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Comment Keeping Our Priorities Straight (Score 5, Funny) 504

As this threat to growth becomes more evident, investors will become less attracted to investments in the utility sector.

It's about time that power companies realize that their most important goal is not in providing customers with a quality source of electricity, but in making investors as much money as possible.

Comment As Always, Please Do It In Moderation (Score 1) 312

My aunt was a hair stylist for decades before she retired. After retirement, she had to have at least one surgery to fix the damage that gravity had done due to being on her feet all day. On the opposite side, we know that sitting all day isn't good either. So, like all things, sitting and standing are at their best in moderation. Moderation can be achieved using high-top desks with tall chairs. They offer the option of standing for a while and then sitting down. They have these at the operational center where our software is deployed and I find that standing for twenty minutes and then sitting for twenty minutes provides a good balance.

Comment Re:Polishing old code or writing good code (Score 1) 139

Next year it would be very interesting to see the "New code defect density" as a separate metric - currently it is "all code defect density" which may not reflect if Open Source is *producing* better code. The report shows that the collection of *existing* code is getting better each year.

This is exactly what I would expect. Odds are that open source and closed source software start out with similar defect densities. The difference is that open source software, over time, is available for more people to inspect and find bugs that weren't found by the original cast of developers.

Comment Did They Really? (Score 1) 612

I was about to blame Slashdot for a bad headline when I realized that the article actually states that this mathematical proof offers evidence that the universe could have spontaneously formed from nothing. But if the universe really did form spontaneously from nothing, wouldn't that violate the law of conservation of mass and energy?

After reading the article, it sounds like they have a good theory about what happened during the Big Bang, but I didn't see anything in the article that offered proof that something came from nothing.

Comment Re:The Slide-to-Unlock Claim, for reference (Score 1) 408

As mentioned in a different reply, I see non-continuous movement: slider at the left side; slider in the middle; slider at the right side. Three images, replaced in succession, as I said.

Only a lawyer could look at this video and state that Apple's slide-to-unlock is an entirely new invention worthy of tens of millions of dollars in licensing fees just because their animation has a few more frames.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

FFS, Freedom of Speech is not some magic shield that guards you from the blowback of saying or doing something very stupid. While I do find it harsh that this man's career is taking a huge hit for a view he once had years ago (and may not even have anymore), the simple fact is that other people have the right to voice their opposition to his actions.

Comment Re:Cote should have recused herself. (Score 1) 88

That wasn't prejudice the judge was showing. She saw a mountain of evidence during the pretrial that clearly showed Apple conspiring with publishers to fix prices. Her statement was not bias against Apple, it was a warning that based on the currently evidence in front of her, the law was not on Apple's side and unless they had overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it would be in Apple's best interest to plead guilty like all of the publishers in the case did. Apple, drunk on its own Kool-Aid, forged ahead with their not guilty plea. Since they failed to provide overwhelming evidence that contradicted the prosecution's evidence, the case ended exactly as the judge had warned in pretrial.

Comment Re:Legal Action Hasn't Worked (Score 3, Informative) 88

There is so much wrong with that statement, I hardly know where to begin. First of all, monopolies take advantage of the lack of competition to keep prices artificially high, not low. Secondly, even if Amazon was keeping prices artificially low, what they were doing was completely legal. On the other side, Apple was found guilty of conspiring with publishers to make it absolutely impossible for other resellers to sell their books cheaper than Apple. If Apple had just demanded that they got the same or lower price on ebooks as other resellers, then they would have likely escaped litigation. Instead, they conspired with publisher to fix the prices that other resellers could actually sell their products and that is classic price fixing. The publishers knew that and promptly pled guilty, but Apple thought they could get one by the legal system and got a sudden dose of reality. This isn't just another typical case of Slashdot hating on Apple - in this case there is legal justification for it and mountains of legal precedence.

Comment Re:"This is the year..." (Score 1) 232

It's rarely a good thing to be ahead of your time, and that applies twofold to technology. Releasing technology before it is capable of providing a solid user experience is counterproductive because it gives the technology a bad name, reducing interest in the required research necessary to provide a solid experience.

In the past, Virtual Reality did not work because the helmets were too heavy, the graphics were too demanding, the screen resolutions and refresh rates were too low, and the motion sensors were too slow. All of these issues combined to create a horrible user experience. But due to many advances made in the past couple of decades, graphics processing is much faster, screen resolutions and refresh rates are much higher, screens weigh much less, motion capture is much faster, and all of these technologies are becoming drastically cheaper. This means that Virtual Reality is quickly approaching a point where it will finally be feasible to provide the proper experience it has always attempted.

With that said, there are still a lot of tasks required to get all of the technologies integrated with each other to provide a smooth user experience, so I don't think that 2014 will be the year of Virtual Reality. But I would be surprised if there wasn't a solid product available by 2016.

Comment Re:The Slippery Slope (Score 5, Insightful) 182

Remember how many people tried to tell you Network Neutrality was the road to a heavily regulated internet... Well here you go. If you regulate any aspect, eventually all aspects will fall under a web of regulations.

WTF are you talking about? Level 3 is complaining because they are now being extorted by ISPs who are trying to double-dip and charge them hefty fees for peering agreements. This was not a problem when net neutrality regulations were in place, but after Verizon won their case over net neutrality, it took Comcast only five weeks to go on a rampage and start extorting fees from other providers. So this is exactly what you get when you DON'T have net neutrality and you DON'T have regulation.

It's great for companies like Level 3

It's not great for companies like Level 3 because they are the ones being extorted. The current lack of regulation is great for companies like Comcast who are threatening to throttle connections of their own users if content providers don't pay Comcast an extortion fee. Again, it only took five weeks of the regulations being removed before Comcast started pulling this shit. It may be time for you to admit that moderate and sensible regulation is not a bad thing.

Comment Re:Copyright or Trade Secret? Pick One (Score 1) 197

I guess ultimately I just wish copyright worked more like patents. With patents, you must disclose details about the work in order to get protection as part of the social contract. If you don't want to divulge the details, then you stick with trade secrets. But copyright provides all of the protection with no required disclosure. While that may be perfectly legal under current law, I can't think of any reasonable justification for this difference. If you truly believe that your work is worthy of copyright protection, then you should be perfectly happy going through a brief registration process. The registration could be as simple as a microtransaction on a government-sponsored web site. Then, similar to patents, when the copyright expires, the registration site could act like a public domain distribution site. This is fairly analogous to how the USPTO web site currently works (besides the fact that patent registration isn't exactly brief). Yes, I know that this would violate the Berne Convention but I'm not arguing what the law is, I'm arguing what I believe it should be.

Comment Re:Copyright or Trade Secret? Pick One (Score 1) 197

I do realize that a work entering the public domain does not automatically mean that it has to, or even should, be made available. But with technology being what it is today, if we can develop a wayback machine, then why can't we do something to preserve cultural works? I guess I just feel that if everyone in society is giving up the freedom to copy certain works (as odd of a freedom as that may seem in the modern Western world), then we should get back as much as we can once that copyright expires. But that is clearly my opinion and obviously not a reflection of the current laws in place. In any event, I appreciate the info you have provided. Given my stance on intellectual property, I don't have too many civilized conversations with IP lawyers, so this was a nice change of pace and I was able to learn more details about the law, even if I don't necessarily agree with them.

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And it should be the law: If you use the word `paradigm' without knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No exceptions. -- David Jones
