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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 0 accepted (7 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - MIT Students Fight Poverty With Cellphones (

psema4 writes: "This just in from my LinkedIn network:

As a recent article in the New York Times reports, the rapidly spreading availability and affordability of cell phones in the developing world is transforming local economies and creating new opportunities for development. Come see how MIT students, together with 8 partner organizations in 7 developing countries, are inventing — and deploying — new ways of using mobile phones and other information and communication technologies to address some of the world's most pressing problems.

Wish I could be there to check it out. According to my LinkedIn message, it's open to the public and takes place on May 8th."

The Internet

Submission + - Howto react to potential /. "abuse"

psema4 writes: "Last night a story was submitted to Slashdot about ECMAScript 4.

After hearing about the story, I passed a message along to the ES4 discussion list. From my perspective as author of a FOSS project (Atomic OS) that relies heavily on Javascript, I think Brendan Eich has quite neatly ripped into the anonymous coward. I find some of the implications a bit disconcerting.

My question comes in three parts:
  • Do Slashdotters have an opinion on the ease of 'abusing' Slashdot?
  • How should one (or the community for that matter) react to the threat of 'psychological espionage' in large social sites?
  • My understanding is that Wikipedia is 'self-healing,' in that there is enough volunteer involvement to detect and correct. How does Slashdot deal with this type of issue?

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
