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Comment Re:Rolls Royce of cat litter boxes (Score 1) 190

"Would you take a real Rolls Royce to an unauthorized dealer for repairs?"

you bet your ass I would. I take my BMW to a non BMW mechanic. in fact I refuse to let the thieves at the BMW dealership TOUCH my BMW as they are no talent hacks.

Only a complete and utter fool believes that authorized means anything other than scam.

Comment Re:Dementia will get'm long before 120 (Score 2) 441

Or many of the other old age related diseases of which there is no treatment. Wishful thinking.

He's 47. He's got more than two decades before those are likely to affect him. I'll bet that in 2034 we have effective treatments for most all of them, with genomic analysis and gene therapy being available at the shopping mall, next to the place that does nails. OK, probably not FDA-approved (possibly even banned in the US due to costs of welfare if people don't die off) but that's what medical tourism is for. You might need to fly to Theil's boat to get it.

Comment Re:Nothing can go Wrong Here (Score 2) 441

"no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons"

How could this possibly go wrong?

It's just nonsense - to build on a sea platform would require tremendously strong buildings and no owner of such a platform would permit shacks to be built there as crumbling buildings would threaten the platform and its other occupants. The notable difference between a seastead and local building codes is that such agreements on a seastead would be entered into voluntarily, not by fiat backed by violence.

The people who would live and work there would need to be attracted to live on a sea platform, so low-paid workers and destitute beggars aren't even an issue. This isn't a model for society, it's more of a Galt's Gulch.

I still think it's silly to get all the anarchists on a platform that can be sunk by a torpedo (see the Free State Project for a more sensible option) but TFS is written as if by a seventh grader who's heard something about libertarians.

Comment Re:Stone Age diet ? he wants to live all 20 years? (Score 3, Insightful) 441

Read up on the anthropology, especially about the value of grandparents. Also be careful to avoid means as averages in such cases.

Hint: healthy humans don't undergo menarche until they're about twelve, and human children do not survive well if their parents die off before they're eight.

There's evidence that life expectancy went down with agriculture, though housing heralds an improvement for infant mortality so the means go up, though tempered by increased disease.

Comment Re:Precious Snowflake (Score 0) 323

A child without physical punishment learns early that all consequence is harmless. Risk becomes a non-existent factor in decision-making. The child becomes a self-entitled asshole or goes to an early grave.

Right, you know more about this than all the neuroscientists who have evidence that your claim is idiotic.

Lemme guess - your parents abused you and you feel a cultural need to love Mommy and Daddy, so you'll claim it was good for you to make the dissonance stop.

Comment Re:Precious Snowflake (Score 3, Insightful) 323

And thus the decline of western civilization...

If it's to fall, it'll be due to people who were raised on the idea that physical violence against innocents is a virtue and who thus support societal institutions that use it as their primary means of motivation against adult subjects, contrary to the human drives towards freedom and creativity.

Way to ascribe the cause to the cure.

Comment Re:LOL ... w00t? (Score 1) 292

Addendum: It turns out the author used the minus sign instead of the hyphen. That (a) looks wrong on the page, (b) breaks screen readers, (c) confuses readability scores and (d) makes this not news.

Ah. What's news then, is that Amazon can't deploy a simple perl script to fix common typography errors such as these. YouTube wants more content creators so it deploys helpers like 'auto-stabilize' and such. Amazon, in contrast, prefers to castigate its contributors for typography errors. Who benefits? Copyeditors.

Comment As long as it doesnt SUCK. (Score 1) 54

Their MSP430 is great tech but their libraries suck horribly. They need to embrace the public community and less of their in house engineers on making libraries that are worth using AND stop using a compile/IDE that is complete crap and crippled.

the GCC toolchain is decent but still clunky as all hell.

Comment Why? (Score 1) 123

Standard resistive Touchscreen tech is dirt freaking cheap. I can get 7" resistive types for $9.00 each all day long at single quantities. If I was a car maker I could get them at less than $1.00 each in 1000+ quantities.

Honestly this IR system is a rehash of really old tech that is just not needed.

What is needed is the important buttons existing as REAL HARD BUTTONS. the systems that are 100% touch are complete crap. Yes I do want my hard buttons back on android, the on screen home button is really 100% crap.

Comment News Flash : All Corporate IT security is a joke. (Score 1) 239

It has been well known that all Corporate IT security is a complete joke. CIO refuses to spend the money on it, COO refuses to make users actually follow real security procedures, and the CFO loves the "it wont happen to us" line that means they will not have to actually spend money on real IT security.

This is not new, I'm just glad that it's happening in a very public way so that maybe the worthless executives out there will actually listen to their IT experts about the fact that we NEED to spend the money to try and keep the bad guys out.

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