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Comment Re:What about long-term data integrity? (Score 1) 438

I think the point is that the parent has obviously dealt with IT people that think RAID = backup. I have as well. It is painful.

Also, saying "RAID protects against *some* data loss scenarios" isn't accurate. It protects against one, and only one, data loss scenario: drive failure.

ALL other data loss scenarios are immune to RAID.

One =! some.

Comment Re:Obama (Score 2) 706

The one piece of regulation that did actually manage to spur consumer-friendly innovation in telecom in recent memory was the 1996 Telecom Act, which actually reduced regulation in many areas (the "carrot" for telcos) while simultaneously increasing competition in others (the "stick"), such as forcing the Baby Bells to allow competitive access to their DSLAMs to provide DSL service, etc.

Great example! Now tell me why I can't get cable internet from anyone except Comcast?

Comment Re:I've worked at a Fortune 50 for the last 2 year (Score 5, Insightful) 185

I've been a top performer at several companies. I before leaving each of them, I discussed my issues with a manager more than once, which were usually pay + one other issue.
In each time before I left, neither were addressed.
In each time after I left, management was either "shocked" or angry, and made attempts to keep me. I flatly refuse to accept offers after I have accepted a job elsewhere, I should be taken at my word and not forced to demonstrate that I am leaving to be taken seriously.
I have no idea why any company would waste money on this. Either they care, and they'll know when someone is leaving without software, or they don't care, and the software will be ignored as well.

Comment Re:almost useless (Score 1) 230

So, now it isn't 100%, just something greater than 99%, eh?

I've worked in two enterprises that use core everywhere they can, so I see the value.
Since there is no credible source of how widespread any internal server OS is deployed, we can't actually talk stats. We can share personal notes, and mine is that two companies I've worked for with servers measured in the 1,000's would use this a lot.

Comment Re:almost useless (Score 1) 230

There is a 100% chance that nearly every "Package-Install" command will just be downloading the app for you and launching the graphical installer you normally see.

Tell me more about this 100% chance of a graphical installer on Windows Core (non-GUI).

If they have to make it work in core, why would it fire up a graphical installer?

I'll take any bet that it is something less than 100%....

Comment Re:Spiritual Needs (Score 1) 268

I think the "faith" of logic or science is that we posses the mental and sensory ability to understand the world around us.

We have conflicting evidence if this is the case. For example, we don't know what happened before the creation of the universe and have no means to determine this.

At the same time, my whole post is attempting to apply logic to test if logic is logical. I think I found a way to break an AI with recursion.

Comment Re:Changes require systematic, reliable evidence.. (Score 1) 336

And before some people chime in and say "but that's not what we mean", let me say that's exactly what some people mean by net neutrality.

Then then need to work on their English comprehension.

NETWORK Neutrality means I treat one network as equal to another. Therefore, I will treat packets from Akamai the same as Netflix and the same as Comcast.

What you're thinking of is PACKET or APPLICATION Neutrality, where I treat each packet the same regardless if it is voice, email, FTP, torrent, or video.

In Network Neutrality, it is perfectly acceptable to treat video has higher priority than FTP, as long as you treat video from every *network* the same way. So, internal Comcast video will get the same QoS marking as Netflix video.

Just because some people don't understand the words they're using isn't a reason to abandon a whole idea.

Comment Re:Superhero Netflix. (Score 2) 184

Why does Netflix get shit over this? The people that own the content Netflix sells (Hollywood) will not stream it without DRM. People on Linux wanted Netflix. This was the only reasonable solution.

Their other options were:
1. switch to another closed format from Adobe or similar
2. Stay on Silverlight and tell Linux users to piss off.
3. Remove DRM completely, and abandon all streaming outside of their own self-created content and a bunch of independent moves that few people would pay to see, since they're likely already available for free.

Either tell me which one you would choose as the owner of Netflix, explain what one I'm missing, or STFU.

Comment Re:Misleading Headline (Score 2) 246

No, they are saying that the more you earn in this country, the more you have benefited from all of the things the taxes pay for: military, infrastructure, education, etc.

It is a flawed system, and there are better ones (I prefer everyone paying a flat income tax with no dedications), but saying that there should be only sales or use-based taxes is wrong.

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