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Comment Re:This stuff is so stupid (and so is Forbes) (Score 1) 169

Yes, very specific uses. Windows, Apple, etc. But, this isn't specific - games and clothing. I have a hard time trusting King (or any other business) when they say, "Oh, we trademarked the word in a really generic fashion, but don't worry, we only enforce in specific instances."

Comment This stuff is so stupid (and so is Forbes) (Score 5, Insightful) 169

The issue isn't that Hasbro should have already trademarked "candy", it's that "candy" shouldn't be able to be trademarked at all. It's a common freakin' word and should be able to be used in game titles and clothing w/o licensing.

Burning copycat apps who are ripping off your game is a different issue, but this shouldn't be the solution.

Comment Re:So basically surfing net while taking notes (Score 4, Informative) 313

Exactly. Here's the paper. It says right there that the students who multi-tasked while taking notes did worse and that some of the participants didn't even adhere to the instructions for their group, i.e., they surfed and screwed around when they weren't supposed to. And then did poorly on a quiz. Gee, who saw that coming?

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
