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Comment Re:"WSJ stunt to maximize anti-Clinton engagement" (Score 1) 231

The emails that have been released are those that Clinton decided should not be deleted, so unless she made a mistake, there shouldn't be anything incriminating...

That would be nearly impossible to pull off because one is sending email to at least one other person, and unless you are certain the receiver kept nothing nowhere, you are at risk of being exposed.

Anyhow, it appears that much was usually done by phone instead of email. I suspect she wouldn't put anything urgent or controversial in email.

Comment Re:Not news, not for nerds, doesn't matter (Score 2) 231

the entire story about a spontaneous demonstration and a mob angry about some video on YouTube was completely fabricated. They knew it wasn't true

First, we still don't know the full reason why the attack happened. And the main perp admitted he was indeed upset by the video. Wether it was the main reason or not, the perp wouldn't discuss further.

And as far as the Susan Rice announcement, it was suggested by a team member that evidence of possible terrorism not be immediately made public because it may give clues to the terrorists that their involvement was known about. Whether that reason was tainted by political bias or not is hard to say, we can't x-ray their neurons. It's speculative either way.

I've explained this to you before on slashdot, but you ignored it for unknown reasons.

Comment VisiCalc stories (Score 1) 74

I've read 3 different explanations of why VisiCalc was done on Apple first.

1. The dev TRS and Pets were tied up on other projects.
2. Jobs promised free hardware if they targeted Apple first.
3. Apple had more potential RAM ability.

I don't know which is true or if it's a combo. Either way, Apple would probably be dead if not for VisiCalc. VisiCalc sales gave Apple just enough money for R&D into GUI's (Lisa/Mac), and those were relatively slow sellers until desktop publishing kicked in.

Without the VisiCalc boost, Apple would probably fall short, and die with the rest of the early microcomputer makers (who got clobbered by IBM clones).

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