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Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 1) 635

And you'd be factually wrong. There is such a thing as being so open-minded your brains fall out, and you're unwittingly demonstrating this with your false equivalence.

All I'm demonstrating is your tribalism and ignorance on display. You can be emotional and unintelligent on any side of the issue.

His "argument" about Al Gore was hardly nuanced, he's just giving the argumentum ad Goram cover because he happens to sympathize with the deniers, and that's enough in my book.

On display.

Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 1) 635

Right, tribalism and ignorance. I can flip your statement to: "Alarmists have nothing interesting or worthwhile, or even reality-based to say at this point, so there's no point in annoying myself by reading their drivel."

But besides that, he gave a nuanced argument about Al Gore that had nothing to do with denying the scientific position of climate change. Yet you immediately labeled him a denier and ignored him.

Comment Re:How to avoid this sort of infringement? (Score 2) 137

It's almost certain the band had innocently re-invented the same sequence of notes.

How do you come to a determination of "almost certain"? It would seem just as likely that they stuck it in there because, as Wikipedia writes, "Until this high-profile case, "Kookaburra"'s standing as a traditional song combined with the lack of visible policing of the song's rights by its composer had led to the general public perception that the song was within the public domain.[30][31]"

What's ridiculous is that such an old song by a long-since dead person is still under copyright.

Comment Re:anacdotal evidence (Score 1) 643

And why should you have to?

Ideally, you shouldn't, and cops would always act according to enlightened principles. In reality, cops are people too, and the smart thing to do is not provoke them needlessly.

Should we beat rude people until they are less rude? Put them in prison? Take their property? Shoot them in the face?

Of course not.

Comment Re:Oh good lord. (Score 1) 225

Allow me to paraphrase your comment.

Allow me to paraphrase your comment: I'm a jackass who thinks nothing substantial can be said when opinion counts, even when the accomplishments are well-documented and acknowledged by the larger scientific community. I also entertain spurious allegations about Eisenstein having plagiarized his wife, which has no credible evidence.

Comment Re:Oh good lord. (Score 1) 225

Indeed, QED is the most successful theory that man has ever formulated, and Feynman was IMHO far greater than Einstein or Hawking.

Please. Annus Mirabilis papers

That's four groundbreaking papers in one year (1905), any one of which would have made Einstein of historical significance. To follow that up with the only major advance on gravity since Newton 10 years later puts him well past Feynman.

When the first shuttle blew up, NASA picked up the phone and called Feynman, someone that never did anything for NASA before and was not involved in any way with the shuttles, rockets, or even anything astronomy. Feynman figured out what happened quite quickly, went before congress and both explained and demonstrated the problem.

He did good work on the panel, but it was hardly a big mystery as to why the launch failed. There was actually a conference call the night before the launch between NASA and the manufacturers of the O-ring. The latter wanted to scrub the launch because of the cold, but pressure from NASA and worries about an upcoming contract with NASA resulted in a go-ahead.

Feynman was as much a showman as he was a scientist, which explains a lot of his fame. Who were the scientists who shared his Noble Prize for QED? Right.

Don't get me wrong, I like Feynman a lot. But saying he was "far greater than Einstein" is a joke.

Comment Re:Lack of Real, Physical Products (Score 2) 79

The indicator that true creative thinking is dead inside an organization is when it must innovate by acquisition.

This is a strange statement to make, seeing as two of the examples you point to, self-driving cars and Google Glass, are expensive innovations that aren't ready for prime time. First you blame them for creative thinking that fails, then you accuse them of not doing any.

Instead of YOUR employees creating products that grow organically, you pay 100 times as much to buy established or growing products. YouTube, Twitch.tv, Nest, and whoever is next.

What about projects like Google Street View? Sure it debuted in 2007, but that was a year after they acquired YouTube. Google Chrome came out in 2008, and reinvigorated the browser market.

Google has tried a crazy amount of stuff and also made a crazy amount of acquisitions. Some of it sticks, most of it doesn't. Surprise.

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 1, Interesting) 790

If someone is a child molester, I would think it highly likely that they suffer from a mental illness, and need our help.

How do you propose to "help" them? I believe there is no effective way to "help" such people beyond castration.

And the whole "mental illness" angle seeks to remove personal responsibility from the equation. Why not cave in to your worst impulses? You just suffer from a mental illness, and it's up to society to "help" you.

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