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Comment Re:Are You Kidding? (Score 1) 541

The modern 'miniature' dachshund wouldn't stand a chance in a badger hunt, though. It would be a rather pitiful spectacle.

Here in my town they have an annual 'dachshund derby' event that attracts hundreds of dogs from this geographical region. It's disappointing that there are so few full-sized dachshunds left anymore.

Comment Re:This is why I'm leaving academia. (Score 1) 541

I disagree with part of your point, namely that there's no reason for scientists to speak up if they think their results are being misused for political ends. If it were only a scientific problem, then sure, just publish a criticism in the relevant scientific journal and be done with it. But when someone has popularized and politicized scientific work, and done so incorrectly (i.e. with errors or misunderstandings of the results), then scientists *do* have an obligation to speak up in the same forum where the work was introduced.

Ahem. Al Gore.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 124

There are several whole generations coming up now who don't have a fucking clue.

Yes, I know. Every generational cycle goes like that. I didn't have a fucking clue when I was 20 either.

But the last few cycles have been filled with clueless fucks who think anybody who asks questions during a college lecture that won't be on Friday's test or the Midterm should SHUT UP because they're undermining the process. People who've bought into the system so far that they think brown nosing is a nested recursive process.

We're glad you go that internship at Google (addressed to all the trolls flinging shit in this thread)

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