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Comment Kubrick switched to Jupiter due to F/X ease (Score 2) 141

In one of the books on the Making of 2001 Kubrick it was hard to obtain the F/X artisitc effect he wanted of Saturn and Iapetus, so he switched to a black-gate orbiting Jupiter. The movie and the book were co-made at the same time, mostly agreeing. Jupiter is one choice because its the second largest thing in the Solar System. Clark instread, chose something so odd, that could not be natural.

Comment I've been running since 1969 (Score 1) 200

I would say my long term health been progressing about same as more sedentary siblings and parents at the same age. Most recent ailments idiopathic (no obvious cause) high blood pressure and some arthritis. I'd say short-term I was able to do more than my relatives in terms of hiking up mountains and long biking due to high general fitness.

There are a number of "half century" cardio people around encouraged by Dr.Cooper's book Aerobics published in the mid 1960s.(He coined that exercise term.) Cooper was the main promoter and researcher of cardio over just calesthetics. But he has also been claiming for decades that extreme endurance exercise may be harmful.

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