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Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 119

So, in other words, the user has to be a complete moron in order for this attack to work. I know there are still a small percentage of people out there that still click on every email link they get, but I would hope that phishing is a dying art and not much would ever come of this. I know that most of the people I supported would not be this amazingly stupid, nor would many in the entire company. Again, this sort of email attack vector is drilled into the heads of office workers everywhere as something to NOT fall for. The firmware vulnerabilities still need to be addressed, though ongoing training and social engineering will mitigate the possible threat a great deal.

The gullibility of users aside, that is not the bigger threat from such a worm. Sure, you could infect machines in this manner but right now the usual OS specific attacks are easier and more lucrative. However, if yo want to infect a specific target, especially one that is not connected to the broader internet or where you want to infect them and keep the infection unused and unnoticed until the target connects to the desired network, such a tool is useful, a TFA points out. It's of great use to spy agencies, because you can infect machines without intruding onto the network externally, by introducing infected peripherals or through other vectors such as custom agents who "check" a laptop upon entry. The target may then wipe and reformat their HD but you've already compromise deter machine in a way they can't easily detect or fix. Pass out infected USB sticks at trade shows in hopes of hitting the target. Hell, leave one in the parking lot and hope whoever finds it sticks it into their laptop.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 291


I'll say this for Tesla's position, though: the notion that it's physically impossible to build fuel efficient cars that people will want to buy is balderdash.

The problem is not want to buy but can afford to buy. Tesla is at the high end of what I would consider the car pricing range if you leave out the super premium and exotics. As a result, many people who might preferentially buy one simply can't afford one.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 291

Sure. Their motive may be profit, but in this case, they are probably right. Fuel hasn't suddenly become more plentiful and pollution hasn't just vanished from the air, so why should the standards be relaxed?

I am not arguing the correctness of their position just pointing out the impact of regulatory capture. I would guess, if CA ended amazons credit, they would argue as forcefully for them as the argued for keeping existing fuel standards since it's to their benefit.

Comment Re:User scripts FTW (Score 1) 6

I'm not comfortable with what you wrote (yet). The easy route for me--right now--is to keep doing it the way that i know. I wonder though, which method works in more browsers (and versions) that support scripting?

Right now, i want to add a Home button to Memrise after a course review (maybe even during a review) or learning session. The top bar changes and it takes extra clicks to get home, even when the session is over.

(Source not shown to do "Filter error: Please use fewer 'junk' characters." And to think, /. used to be for geeks.)

So, the easy way out might be:

var review = document.getElementById('gardening-area');
review....= (add button here) + review.....;

What would you do?

Comment Re:User scripts FTW (Score 1) 6


I'm a quickie editor when something annoys me enough, so, i don't feel like learning it extensively, though admittedly, it'd be nice.

I ought to come back to this post before writing a new script though. Maybe some more interest will help me appreciate this information a lot more.

Thank you!

Comment Re:Morse Code (Score 1) 620

Oh, wait, you didn't need to pass a test for that.

I'm just trying to think how that would have been possible. I think back then there was a medical exception you could plead for. I didn't. I passed the 20 WPM test fair and square and got K6BP as a vanity call, long before there was any way to get that call without passing a 20 WPM test.

Unfortunately, ARRL did fight to keep those code speeds in place, and to keep code requirements, for the last several decades that I know of and probably continuously since 1936. Of course there was all of the regulation around incentive licensing, where code speeds were given a primary role. Just a few years ago, they sent Rod Stafford to the final IARU meeting on the code issue with one mission: preventing an international vote for removal of S25.5 . They lost.

I am not blaming this on ARRL staff and officers. Many of them have privately told me of their support, including some directors and their First VP, now SK. It's the membership that has been the problem.

I am having a lot of trouble believing the government agency and NGO thing, as well. I talked with some corporate emergency managers as part of my opposition to the encryption proceeding (we won that too, by the way, and I dragged an unwilling ARRL, who had said they would not comment, into the fight). Big hospitals, etc.

What I got from the corporate folks was that their management was resistant to using Radio Amateurs regardless of what the law was. Not that they were chomping at the bit waiting to be able to carry HIPAA-protected emergency information via encrypted Amateur radio. Indeed, if you read the encryption proceeding, public agencies and corporations hardly commented at all. That point was made very clearly in FCC's statement - the agencies that were theorized by Amateurs to want encryption didn't show any interest in the proceeding.

So, I am having trouble believing that the federal agency and NGO thing is real because of that.

Comment Re:New rule (Score 2) 113

Yeah, we've got a programmer in our group that we played with one night. After his second questionable 2 letter word we added a rule (democratically voted on and adopted) that you must be able to define your word and use it properly in a sentence if anyone asks.

That's fine but that's not Scrabble. There is no requirement to know what word easy, just that it is a valid word. We occasionally had tournaments in college and I'd play for fun; wasn't any good but it was fun anyway. the best part was when someone looked at word and got ready to challenge it was to use it in a sentence but improperly so they'd think it wasn't a real word and lose a challenge. The mind games were as much fun as the tiles on the board.

Comment Re:Morse Code (Score 1) 620

The Technican Element 3 test wasn't more difficult than the Novice Element 1 and 2 together, so Technican became the lowest license class when they stopped having to take Element 1.

The change to 13 WPM was in 1936, and was specifically to reduce the number of Amateur applicants. It was 10 WPM before that. ARRL asked for 12.5 WPM in their filing, FCC rounded the number because they felt it would be difficult to set 12.5 on the Instructograph and other equipment available for code practice at the time.

It was meant to keep otherwise-worthy hams out of the hobby. And then we let that requirement keep going for 60 years.

The Indianapolis cop episode was back in 2009. It wasn't the first time we've had intruders, and won't be the last, and if you have to reach back that long for an example, the situation can't be that bad. It had nothing to do with code rules or NGOs getting their operators licenses.

A satphone is less expensive than a trained HF operator. Iridium costs $30 per month and $0.89 per minute to call another Iridium phone. That's the over-the-counter rate. Government agencies get a better rate than that. And the phone costs $1100, again that's retail not the government rate, less than an HF rig with antenna and tower will cost any public agency to install.

You think it's a big deal to lobby against paid operators because there will be objections? How difficult do you think it was to reform the code regulations? Don't you think there were lots of opposing comments?

And you don't care about young people getting into Amateur Radio. That's non-survival thinking.

Fortunately, when the real hams go to get something done, folks like you aren't hard to fight, because you don't really do much other than whine and send in the occassional FCC comment. Do you know I even spoke in Iceland when I was lobbying against the code rules? Their IARU vote had the same power as that of the U.S., and half of the hams in the country came to see me. That's how you make real change.

Comment Re:Lore Harp sounds awful (Score 1) 191

If Lore Harp had said "OK, well, maybe we can make a superior third architecture", then yeah, the dismissal of the first point might be easier to take. But Lore Harp apparently refused to listen to Bob Harp's concerns expressed in (2) because LH apparently felt she knew the market better than BH, despite Bob Harp's advice being rather obviously correct on every factual level.

While I agree with your points, Harp's solution probably would not have helped save the company. He recognized one part of the problem but it looks like he missed the bigger threat: that CPM was on the way out and thus their ability to differentiate themselves, which had been what made them successful, was going away. Even a better architecture would have been useless in the face of the adoption of MS-DOS; since they would have either had to use a customized version that would have limited compatibility with programs or run the generic version and lose much of the benefit of a better architecture. ThePC market had reached that point where standardization was going to result in a few winners and a lot of losers, no matter what companies tried to do to remain viable.

In short, a combination of market forces and poor decisions, across engineering, marketing, and executive leadership, resulted in them becoming one of the many "Whatever happened to..."stories.

In fairness to them, at that time in history it was hard to tell which companies and OS's would succeed. Given IBM's money and clout in the computer world in the market it was a pretty safe thing to bet on whatever they decided to use, but that also meant you would be competing with a company with vastly greater resources and the ability to buy into any market they wanted by cutting sweetheart deals that small companies could not afford to match.

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