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Comment So .. how do they calibrate it? (Score 1) 133

IIRC, decent dosimeters require re-calibration at least yearly if not more often. (Sounds like they don't respond well to sudden shock and this increases accuracy drift.)

I wonder how SoftBank is going to handle this. I don't think people are going to appreciate a test sample being delivered to their home, and I think employees wouldn't appreciate it in stores/kiosks. I know 7Elevens sell everything in Japan, but not sure this is going to fit in well on the kombini scene.

Similarly, I don't think having the phones sent to the factory will work. It's a tad inconvenient.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 198

The main reason I mentioned it (but never really got into it) was because of a round up of password storage managers from a few weeks ago that all claimed "military grade" encryption, and all were trivial to compromise. I can't seem to locate the article now but KeePass was not included in this round up specifically cause it didn't try to lump itself into this category.

I've been trying to rack my brain to remeber if there was an alternative suggestion section of the roundups, or if KeePass was mentioned. But since I couldn't find the article, Ieft it in there as a toss away comment. Discount my opinion if you like, I fully realize there is no such thing. There are minimum standards set forth by the NSA and the Military, and differ based on sensitivity and roles, but I really haven't bothered to see if KeePass is up to these standards. Assuming you don't leave the database vulnerable with an easy to guess key phrase, I'm not too concerned about someone managing to access my data from such a database. I'm not that big of a target, and the life of usefulness of such information is relatively short compared to the time it would take to compromise the database. (Assuming proper password complexity rules, aging, and policies are enforced or at least practiced on the information stored)

Comment Re:Multi-user? (Score 4, Informative) 198

This! KeePass2 on a shared drive is how my team does it. A shared database with generic passwords and shared resources, and some of use keep our own DB's with our more accountable user id's. Because it's got the tabbed feature it's super easy to have both databases available, and with the advanced features available when you dig a little bit deeper into the entries, it's really versatile.

As the previous poster mentioned it can be run on Mono, and works quite well actually. It also has readers for most cellphone OS's so syncing it to our phones is an option. Being able to access our DB even at a colleague's desk, or when ssh'ing in from my phone has proven to be a real convenience at times.

I don't think I've seen them claim military grade encryption anywhere, but it's pretty strong. The system also allows you to increases the encryption rounds to suit your taste and tolerance. Much of this hardening however is only partially supported in the 1.x flavours of KeePass.

Comment Headline updated (Score 1) 282

Probably should point out the original AP story has had the headline updated to little water. .

Also, I wonder how money people stop to think that other non-damaged reactors also contain dangerously/lethally high radiation, ya know ... cause they are reactors.

Submission + - Russian Telco MTS bans Skype, other VoIP

An anonymous reader writes: MTS, one of the three largest mobile carriers in Russia, have been buying up smaller cable TV and Internet providers across the country, and besides the GSM/3G cellphone service they now also offer cable TV and home broadband Internet access. And their unified TOS (Russian; mirror) for home broadband now says: "3.4.4. The customer may not use the Services for the purpose of transferring voice over the Internet; Skype and other similar software is forbidden." (screenshot). Really, why would you need to phone over the Internet, comrade, when you have a perfectly good cellphone [from MTS, assumingly]?

Submission + - Mozilla WebAPI cracks Apple's walled garden (

mikejuk writes: .. and not just Apple's. The basic idea is to add mobile phone APIs to the growing collection of HTML related standards. If this was to happen an HTML5/JavaScript app could work with the phone's native hardware as easily as a native app — but would work on any phone!
A WebAPI app would be impossible for Apple or Microsoft to control because it doesn't need approval or an app store to be installed. The only way of keeping such apps out would be to not support WebAPI — and hence to not be standards compliant. Mozilla is serious about this as it is hiring enginers to work on the project.


Submission + - FCC Wants To Shift Phone Subsidy Funds To Broadban (

An anonymous reader writes: FCC chairman Julius Genachowski revealed plans yesterday to overhaul the U.S. phone subsidy program and shift its focus to providing broadband access. He said, 'Broadband has gone from being a luxury to a necessity for full participation in our economy and society. If we want the United States to be the world’s leading market, we need to embrace the essential goal of universal broadband, and reform outdated programs.' According to BusinessWeek, the program currently 'supports phone service to schools, libraries, the poor and high-cost areas.' Last year it spent $4.3 billion to provide support to over 1,700 carriers in high-cost areas. Genachowski hopes the change will put the U.S. 'on the path to universal broadband service by the end of the decade.'
The Internet

Submission + - ISPs "exaggerate the cost of data" (

Barence writes: "ISPs are wildly exaggerating the cost of increased internet traffic, according to a new report. Fixed and mobile broadband providers have claimed their costs are "ballooning" because of the expense of delivering high-bandwidth services such as video-on-demand. However, a new report from Plum Consulting claims the cost per additional gigabyte of data for fixed-line ISPs is between €0.01-0.03 per GB. The report labels claims of ballooning costs a "myth"."

Submission + - Copyright trolls close Linux time database (

Demonoid-Penguin writes: "The Linux timezone database was shutdown due to claims it breaches a copyright held by Astralabe, Inc. A civil suit was filed in the Boston Federal court 30th September — the defendant is Arthur Olson who has had to shutdown the ftp server at Astralabe claim that their recent purchase of ACS Atlas, which is referenced by the tz database, gives them ownership of the information in the database. Microsoft will continue to provide erroneous tz data as they have their own database. Java, Unix, Linux and everybody else that use the tz data will have to find another solution to the problem unless the court decides against Astralabe.
Astralabe, Inc, whose web site has that 1970 built by MS Word look, and may well run on a server built of spit and sticks, won't be feeling any love anytime soon over this move."


Submission + - Forensics: "File System Spoofing." (

iiiears writes: Currently, Casper may select fake root file system image on evidentiary media (e.g. HDD), because there are no authenticity checks performed (except optional UUID check for a possible live file system), and this fake root file system image may be used to execute malicious code during the boot with root privileges.

Submission + - Alien Dalvik 2.0 promises Android apps on iOS (

An anonymous reader writes: If you’re struggling with the decision of whether to get an Android phone or an iPhone, the Myriad Group wants you to be able to have your cake and eat it too. The Alien Dalvik Android emulator, which we told you about earlier this year, is now capable of running on iOS devices in version 2.0. Alien Dalvik takes an Android app’s APK file, and wraps it in its own virtual machine.

Submission + - Android's Big Security Flaw, And Why Only Google C (

snydeq writes: "A new approach to patching Android-based handsets is fast becoming a necessity, thanks to the growing number of device makers and carriers that are allowing Android patches to languish, preventing users from ever getting them, InfoWorld reports. 'The Android operating system's patch process poses a quandary for Google and a danger to users. Android's openness allows bugs to be found faster, but that benefit is offset by a longer supply chain in which manufacturers and vendors test patches at a glacial pace. Smartphone manufacturers must first create custom builds of the operating system that include their add-on software, then they test the software. Next, carriers take the firmware update and test it to make sure it does not harm their networks. The end result: Pushing patches out to users' smartphones is slowed.'"

Submission + - Microsoft-Skype Deal Poised to Win EU Approval (

Pigskin-Referee writes: Microsoft's proposed $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype has earned the approval of the European Union, the Financial Times reported Thursday.

The European Commissioner for Competition, Joaquin Almunia, is expected to rule that the acquisition won't harm competition or turn Skype into a Microsoft-exclusive platform.

The decision ignores accusations that Microsoft is simply bundling services on Windows to drown out smaller competitors, as argued by Italian Skype rival Messagenet last week. Messagenet also urged the Commission to require Microsoft to unbundle Skype from its Windows Office Suite.

The FT reports that Microsoft "promised" the Commission it would keep Skype interoperable and supported on rival operating systems.

"We're committed to the Skype user base," said Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer back in May, addressing antitrust concerns at the time. "We want to continue to build and engage that base. Part of that commitment is continuing to support Skype on non-Microsoft platforms."


Submission + - European satellite finds ozone on Venus ( 1

coondoggie writes: "A European Space Agency satellite has detected a thin ozone layer on Venus that while not produced by live organisms, could help scientist in their search for space life elsewhere.
The discovery by ESA’s Venus Express satellite makes Venus only the third planet in our solar system with an ozone layer with Earth and Mars being the others."

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