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Valve Announces Steambox, Sort Of 252

wbr1 writes "A new page has appeared over at Steam with this slightly cryptic text, a countdown, and an image of a console controller. 'Last year, we shipped a software feature called Big Picture, a user-interface tailored for televisions and gamepads. This year we've been working on even more ways to connect the dots for customers who want Steam in the living-room. Soon, we'll be adding you to our design process, so that you can help us shape the future of Steam.' It appears Gabe Newell wants to throw his hat in the console ring now with the Xbox One and PS4 about to be released. The countdown to the announcement is targeted at Monday."

Comment Re:And we care...why? (Score 2) 88

Kind of. 1996 was the days of OS2 Warp and Windows 95 which notably wasn't free but easily pirated. Linux helped more in the server space and with the emergence of the BSDs. Open/FreeBSD was kind of the bad boys on the block. Linux was already pretty mainstream by 96, we used to use it to drive our 20 node dial up ISP at the time feeding data from a ISDN line.

It was the earlier parts of the 90's where Linux made its ground. Minux was the best that was out there until Linux came along.

Comment Re: should slashdot be asking if the U.S. should b (Score 1) 659

*eyeroll* again with the unrealistic socilaist view.

The reason why surpluses are 'bad' (coining the very definition of bad to mean not bad) is only because inflation which is _caused_ by deficit spending economies can devalue that surplus longterm. If you create inflation (which is really just fiat currency deflation) then using the excuse to spend only becomes valid if the juice is worth the squeeze or the asset that Govt money translates into increases in value in to the future.

Spending into the red is simply evidence of this not taking place. IE not having a surplus ...

Look at QLD's power grid for example. Poor / over Govt spending resulting in ridiculous costs of power because they baught the wrong assets and have to maintain and upkeep systems that are under utilisised, couple that with the abomination that's the Carbon Tax. Labor not only needed to go 4 years ago but we need to start issuing laws in Australia which hold these incompetent crooks responsible.

Submission + - iPhone 5C: "C" Doesn't Stand For "China" (

jfruh writes: To Americans, the "C" in the newly announced iPhone 5C stands for "cheap": it's basically the same phone as the iPhone 5 in terms of specs, but for only $99, half the cost of the 5S. But you only get that price if you sign up for a two-year wireless contract, and most Americans don't realize the extent to which carrier subsidies distort phone sticker prices. In China — where most people pay full price for a phone up front, and where the 5C was rumored to be the low-cost model that would finally bring Apple's smartphone to the masses — the 5C will cost $728, just 15% cheaper than the 5S, leading to puzzlement and disappointment from Chinese consumers and analysts.

Comment Re:Blunt != abusive (Score 1) 566

When dealing with people, don't insult them

My point exactly. There are too many sensibilities that can be triggered amongst various people that in most cases will end badly for the "insulter" based on the "insultee's" reaction.

When dealing with people, don't insult them

Well don't accuse people for working for the NSA. Especially a Finnish man who writes software that's supposed to trump "the man" so-to-speak. It's all how you see it right?

If being accused of ignorance is the worst they endured, they didn't endure enough!

Comment Re:At Least He Doesn't Throw Chairs (Score 3, Informative) 566

Not to make it a dick measuring competition on Tovalds behalf but you look at the guy on the other side of the fence who made staggeringly more.

Besides, we wont mention that this person in question has since then retired and is still making literally 100x more per year than Tovalds. I get your point but relatively speaking, If Tovalds chose to sell out how much more could [of] he made/make?

Comment Re:At Least He Doesn't Throw Chairs (Score 5, Informative) 566

He didn't create anything. ANYTHING. Open source existed before Torvalds. UNIX existed before Torvalds. To use the infamous battle cry of the typical Slashdork... "Where's teh innovationz?!?!?111!!?"

I've been using Linux since 1993. I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you are :) Oh the memories ... 14.4 modems, 386 DX!! (yes, none of those pussy SX processors), Hercules monitors and MFM harddisks!

When people start treating it like a valid technology instead of a religious movement it'll get more momentum in the mainstream.

You're missing the point. It's not treated as a religious movement It's kind of more like being a 60s child in the modern day if that makes sense.

When people start worrying about advancing Linux over where it stands versus Microsoft or Apple it'll finally have the chance of taking great leaps forward.

Google wrapped a business model around Linux. It's called Android and it's doing just fine.

Comment Re:At Least He Doesn't Throw Chairs (Score 5, Insightful) 566

I'm with you on that. It seems like his sense of humour and his calling "a spade a spade" philosophy earns him a lot of criticism. I always argue that Linus is your typical purest. He's not there to please or appease. He's there to focus on getting things done right, in his own way, but as correct as he sees it.

I argue that because he's giving Linux freely to the world and with limited monetary gain that we can't chastise him too much about it either. What he's missing is something which I've learned through my own errors when dealing with people in the past. And that is, to deal with "the public" one must always do so with the softest possible touch. That's only if you're wanting to earn the minds of the masses mind you.

So I say. People who bag him with the whole "his attitude is appalling" type statements. Well, it sucks to be you because I think that you're just too much of a sook and you need to harden/lighten up a little. The people who condone the attitude I say "meh, you're probably a purest as well" because they wish to understand truth and wish to see what goes on in the Linus' mind just as I do.

As me for me. Truth be told. The day Linus actually starts acting like the rest of the PR sheep out there is the day I'd start to worry about crypto that NSA may of sneaked in to the Linux kernel. Until then. It's good to see him throwing out comments like "Deep throat Microsoft" and "You're ignorant". This kind of talk is indicative of when the internet wasn't populated by commercially driven cock suckers like Mark Zuckerberg abusing the word "hacker" and trying to pass himself off as "one of us".

So at the end of the day, who's really lost touch here?

Comment Re:should slashdot be asking if the U.S. should bo (Score 0) 659

You pick on poor Tony which is "centre" right-wing. Australia fairs okay because it's usually a centre left or centre right Govt.

This time round we have Palmer, Katter, and the Liberal Democrats in the senate which combined together with the Coalition trump any possibility of left-wing decisions being made. Mate, Tony isn't right-wing enough to keep all the Rednecks happy! :) And Yippee for them!

But I'll tell you this. We had to do something to keep those Greens in check. Rudd was doing a shit awful job and if we let him have another belt at Govt he'd nosedive us in debt so badly that your grandchildren's grandchildren would be paying for YOUR fuck ups. All the meantime they'd be raised in this spoiled view of "the world owes me" socialist crack pot society which nutters like you would of left for them.

Seriously. you're a know nothing do gooder without a care for the concept of reality. You want to hide from truths and blindly look at issues seeking the easy way out instead of trying to uncover things for what they really are.

My advice, while you still can, go off and have a cry in your Govt subsided Wingy Support Group for Wankers before the Libs come in and shut you down for wasting all our hard earned Tax payer dollars!

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