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Comment Re:NYC != Alaska (Score 1) 226

London to "avtodoroga Kolyma, Magadanskaya oblast', Russia" (which is the furthest East I could get google to give me driving directions to from London) is just shy of 8000 miles.

Fairbanks AK, (furthest West google would recognize) to NYC is just over 4000 miles.

I was able to estimate the distance between Fairbanks and that Russian location at 2000 miles.

So, 8000+4000+2000 = 14,000 miles.

Comment The fact that ONE fiber cable cut (Score 1) 133

would completely cut off an entire region as large as that, shows that whoever is in charge of engineering this stuff simply doesn't understand how the Internet is supposed to work, and has no motivation to ensure it keeps working.

Any pipe carrying traffic for that large an area, should have had multiple alternate/redundant paths - miles away, in different pipes, connecting via different peering points. The Internet is not meant to be a hierarchy or a pyramid - its supposed to be a spiderweb.

Comment Re:A smart phone is rarely convenient (Score 1) 248

I've thought for a while that this would be a very neat, extendable thermostat controller for the house based on a cell phone. Instead of paying hundreds to get a device that does it for you, you can pick up a pre-paid phone and wire it up. The only thing I don't know about is the controlling functionality - perhaps if you're not so savvy, base it off of wireless and control something arduino based off of the furnace - or find some way to directly have the phone interact with the existing wires coming up from the furnace... would be an interesting hack.

Comment Re:A smart phone is rarely convenient (Score 1) 248

There's a fairly extensible app called llama for android that could be integrated into this. You can set up triggers - at least for things on the phone - so that if your cell phone sees certain cell towers/wifi, it knows where you are - you could get more advanced and also program in time of day for triggers (i.e. if I hit the cell towers 5 minutes from home and it's > 3:00pm, turn up the heat/AC so it's ready when I get home.)

I don't know about the back end integration with a thermostat, but I'm making an assumption that this could be done based on it's triggering mechanism for apps etc.

Comment A better option you might not have considered (Score 1) 327

Perhaps your wife could wear some sort of device (bracelet, etc) that itself would be capable of detecting that she was having a seizure, that could be setup to trigger whatever notifications were desired. Here are a few things I found alone these lines:

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