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Comment AMD Drivers suck (Score 1) 951

I'd switch to linux with Valve's steam engine porting over, but... The closed source AMD graphics driver is fast-ish, but crazy glitchy. The opensource radeon driver runs really well, but isn't nearly fast enough. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Valve games work at all under AMD cards.

I can't switch until AMD figures their drivers out, the radeon driver gets MUCH better, or I switch to an Nvidia.

Comment Duh? (Score 1) 272

Anyone familiar with Valve saw this coming a long while ago. There were rumors of a game console more than a year ago. A few months ago there was an an announcement of official Linux support and then there was big picture mode. Depending on how you look at it, this news is either a year old or months old.

Comment Graduated 2004, public school Virginia (Score 1) 632

Grade 1-5, had a computer lab with games. They all had some version of DOS, one was some old Mac. We went once a week, but really only played games.

Grade 6-8 had labs, but were only used for typing/research. Nothing taught beyond how to use a search engine and Word.

High school had typing, programming (c++/java), web design, computer graphics (photoshop), and Oracle. I hear these offerings are rare, even for the area. The programming was taught by a math teacher who was semi-competent. Typing did what it was supposed to, I couldn't touch type, then I could. Web design, Oracle, and Computer Graphics were a joke of the highest level. Retrospectively, I think the Oracle class was more training for a salesman than anything worth my time. Web design tried to teach Dreamweaver and Flash...instead of anything worthwhile. Computer graphics didn't really teach anything, they said here's photoshop, now make something.

Comment Unity no longer laughable, upgraded to terrible (Score 1) 543

It's still impossible to use Unity in production.

Many of the issues related to dual monitors have been worked out and the launcher hide on full screen is fixed.

Install MS Word in Wine, open a doc in Word, and then minimize the doc. Now get it back. You can't. The launcher totally barfs on wine apps. You can have your "year of the desktop linux" when they stop having stupid regressions that we had working in 1990.

Why can't I reorder the icons in the launcher?

Why am I forced to have the close button in the top left? It makes for a terribly inconsistent interface when you have to run Wine apps. and yes, I have to.

Why does "unlocking" a running app from the launcher remove the icon from the launcher? How am I suppose to get the window back after I minimize it?

Comment Only reason I have windows (Score 1) 324

Screw you guys, I'm excited.

If Valve puts Steam on Linux, along with all/most of their Source games...I vow to finally, and fully, ditch Windows. Games are the only reason I have windows installed at all. Wine/PlayOnLinux/Crossover is good, but it's not that good. Once more games come to Linux, I predict more geeks will move to all Linux systems, and from there, drive commoner adoption of Linux.

There, I said it, year of the Linux desktop.

Comment Re:ANY native-supplied codec should be usable (Score 2) 320

Some codecs (read H.264) are patent encumbered so require a royalty to be paid to use. Using any particular codec will encourage the proliferation of those formats on the web. H.264, unfortunately, has nearly become the standard due to it's wide use. This basically kills any dream of a free ($) operating system that could be made affordable to the poor, education, or developing nations.

Windows alone cost $100, a Raspberry Pi costs $35.

Comment Text for le blocked (Score 1, Informative) 146

"New TPB investigation leaked

TPB is not hosted in -insert country here-, as far as we know. "As far as we know?" you might ask! Yes. TPB is set up in a very special way to make sure that it will stay up. This means that noone really knows exactly where the servers are, but we've made sure to stay out of the United States of Arrogance and some other countries where the governments do not like free speech.

The only box someone could find is the one in the front, that needs to be public. We have multiple of those, scattered like diarrhea around the world. They contain no storage device, no graphics card. Only a network cable, a cpu and memory. Being nice people, we've put small easters egg into each box though, for the hard work put into finding that public machine! Nothing dangerous though, just funny.

Even though this means that TPB can never be pin-pointed to a certain country, the Swedish district attorney Fredrik Ingblad initiated a new investigation into The Pirate Bay back in 2010. Information has been leaked to us every now and then by multiple sources, almost on a regular basis. It's an interesting read. We can certainly understand why WikiLeaks wished to be hosted in Sweden, since so much data leaks there. The reason that we get the leaks is usually that the whistleblowers does not agree with what is going on. Something that the governments should have in mind - even your own people does not agree.

Since our recent move to a .SE domain the investigation has been cranked up a notch. We think that the investigation is interesting considering nothing that TPB does is illegal. Rather we find it interesting that a country like Sweden is being so abused by lobbyists and that this can be kept up. They're using scare tactics, putting pressure on the wrong people, like providers and users. All out of fear from the big country in the west, and with an admiration for their big fancy wallets.

We're staying put where we are. We're going no-where. But we have a message to hollywood, the investigators and the prosecutors: LOL.

Posted Today 11:46 by Leakblad"

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