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Comment Re:This Is Nothing New. (Score 1) 441

I openly admit that I am presupposing no malicious intent and that the purpose of whistleblower protection is to genuinely help root out corruption in the government. Whether or not we agree on that detail, I think we can both agree that a derogatory adjective of some kind is appropriate.

Comment Re:"Class Divide"? (Score 2) 292

However, when there is video footage widely available of every single person on the planet acting like everybody acts at some point in their life, then everybody will learn to ignore it.

I find this unlikely. I believe you will have two classes of people. Those who are able to maintain the illusion and those who are not. This happens in non-money driven class warfare all the time.

Comment Re: "Class Divide"? (Score 2) 292

Personal experience here. Those cameras are usually not on. My mother-in-law had her credit card stolen and it was used at Walmart. When she asked for the footage of the checkout area during the time it was stolen, they said the cameras were only ever on two days out of the week.

Comment Re:"Class Divide"? (Score 5, Insightful) 292

I wish I had mod points. This is the fundamental problem with Google Glass. One of the things that allows polite society to function is that, generally, if we make a slip of the tongue or do something stupid that we immediately regret it will be soon forgotten. Public life is only semi-public in that it is contained to a small area. However, as we are already starting to see, when everything is captured and recorded for prosterity, no one ever forgets and society is extrodinarily slow to forgive despite the fact that most everyone has been just as guilty at some point in time.

Comment Re:Really (Score 1) 829

That's a pretty damn big school district if they have that many workstations. They should have started planning for this years ago doing it in phases. But that kind of short sightedness is typical of government. Alternatively they could cut the internet or switch to Linux. It is much easier for high school lab computers to migrate to Linux because of the lack of need for highly specialized software.

Comment Re: banana republic (Score 1) 291

It does however state that the Federal government shall not make laws respecting the establishment of a religeon, creating a defacto separation. That's not to say that it hasn't been taken out of context. Putting up a religeous statue is hardly the same as making a law, and it leaves to question what state and local governments can do.

Comment Re:Really (Score 5, Insightful) 829

$6.5 million? Even if you had to pay the retail price for all of those (which you don't) that would mean that you have nearly 22,000 workstations that are connected to the internet. What the hell does your company do that it has that many computers operating but doesn't have the easy ability to invest $6.5 million???

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