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Comment What's the balance between being a lawyer? (Score 1) 79

Uber seems to hit a lot of legal challenges. It seems like, in every city, the incumbent taxi market has a different set of legal hurdles for you to pass through. It's kind of a shame, too, because everyone involved with Uber is making an honest living providing a needed service.

What's tends to be your day-to-day balance of being lawyer versus entrepreneur? Would you say that you have more legal woes than a normal startup? Do you think this is "par for the course" any time someone's starting an interesting company?

Comment Re:It's hard to judge competancy (Score 1) 466

I disagree. American doctors have to take standardized board exams before they specialize. The exams are significantly more rigorous, and better-designed, than the job interviews that I run.

Specifically, in the American medical system, specialization happens with on-the-job training after taking a standard exam. Students seeking to be pediatricians, heart surgeons, and dermatologists all take the same standardized exam. The score is then presented when students apply to programs to specialize.

Comment It's hard to judge competancy (Score 1) 466

I find it very hard to judge skill when I interview candidates. I can easily filter out incompetent people. Someone I work with says, "when you interview people, all you find out is if the person interviews well."

Many professional fields have long professional exams. Civil engineers need to be certified, as well as doctors. Frankly, I wish I could look at some kind of a score, and spend most of the interview on "soft" topics.

Comment Re:It's a great car (Score 1) 398

It's the range, though, that's making me consider the electric BMW that's coming out in a few months. My wife will have a short 10-mile round-trip commute, but I will have a combination of telecommuting and 80-mile round-trip commute. A car that can safely do the 80-mile commute purely on a battery is a very attractive car!

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