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Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 506

Yes but if they do it right the system will learn from the first few cars that enter one of these holes and fill them in fairly quickly and update all cars nearby almost immediately. This will mean that unless you often go to out of the way places or are a fan of visiting roadworks as a hobby the chances of hitting a hole are low.

The real trick will be if the system can reliably tell when something has changed (new roadworks) and the data it has is unusable and deal with sections of road that have dynamic lane/direction depending on time of day etc.

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 1) 338

Or why not pick one of these options...

1) buy a large drum machine - there are a wide variety of machine capacities out there.
2) put the second load in the dryer when you get home in the evening.
3) do a midweek wash instead of saving it all up for one day, also there are two days in a weekend if you prefer.

And on another note why not hang a washing to dry instead of relying on the expensive (both in terms of your electric bill and impact on the environment) dryer?

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 364

Truth being they don't really need to seek work even if Mythbusters was to be cancelled. Adam and Jamie, and as far as I'm aware the 'B team' still do their 'day job' of building movie and TV special effects when they aren't actively working on myths. Of course whether or not the B team still want to work for Adam and Jamie now is a different matter...

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 364

That was the claim - and it is mostly correct - but they interpreted "practice had little to no effect" to mean that every time you try this test you will do no better than the first which is wrong. While practice has no effect, not having ever done the test before on the first attempt will have a negative impact on the results for at least part of the first attempt. Also the Stroop test isn't really suited to measuring the kind of 'dumb' they were supposedly testing for.

Comment Re:Rome would be so proud (Score 5, Insightful) 133

Wow... where is the option to vote the summary and TFA as troll?

Seriously. They full of misrepresentation (CoLP is just another area force like all the others in the UK. CoLP is NOT a private force. The fact that corporations vote in CoL is irrelevant here as voters have no direct influence on the force - policy comes from national level. CoLP are national specialists on this kind of 'soft' crime and are the force responsible for national level investigations of this type. Seizures would have needed to have been court sanctioned/ordered and as is often the case with ongoing investigations where the details would be sealed until said investigation was completed. The fact that large scale copyright infringement is a crime was made by the elected national government and not by the CoLP.)

Wilfully continuing to aid criminals after you are aware of providing such aid (except on threat of personal safety) is in itself a crime in the UK.

ICANN etc have operations in the UK and are therefore have legal responsibility/requirement to comply with such court orders in the country they operate in. This is identical to the many cases where a USA court orders extradition for some minor thing on a non US company director just because they have a sales/import office with 5 staff at some container port in Florida.

Comment Re: Today I Learnt that... (Score 1) 181

Thing is they are fairly toothless given all they really have is their branding. The most they can do is either:

1) Withdraw heritage status from a location
2) Write a strongly worded letter to Government/Local Council/Developer/Other threatening to withdraw heritage status from a location

Since most places that have heritage status only use it for tourism promotions and this island only has 13 tourist trips a year, threatening to destroy the tourism is pointless...

Comment Re:Slippery Slope (Score 1, Flamebait) 186

Related question... why does the USA hate Samsung so much?

I find it interesting when its the USA instead of Europe (or any other nation/entity) doing this kind of global policing that's perfectly fine with US government (and therefore by extension most Americans and American companies) but the second the shoe is on the other foot its a different matter entirely... for example not all countries have the same laws on copyright/patents but USA expects everyone to comply with their view of how the world should be.

The answer to both questions is almost always where the money is. US Agencies favour Apple as they are a US company. EU dislike Google (and some other 'globals') as they use creative accounting to avoid paying a fair amount (sometimes paying nothing) of local taxes in most countries.

PS: I don't agree with the decision... I just find the attitudes interesting.

Comment Re:Another child making unsupported claims (Score 5, Insightful) 203

No I wouldn't call it jealousy. I'd call it science.

People can claim all they want but without evidence, repeatable test results and peer review its worthless.

And just because they have some 'patent pending' tech doesn't mean they have either a working printer that does what they claim or a patent that's worth anything or even a design that is actually patentable. For all we know the patent is in fact worthless and they are trying to sell it to someone before they realise...

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