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Comment Re:shrooms not acid (Score 1) 1367

I agree wholeheartedly with just one caveat, lets substitute Psilocibin mushrooms (magic mushrooms) for LSD. It provides the same basic effect (there's nothing that happens on labratory made hallucenogens that doesn't happen on 'shrooms) but it is natural and controllable.

When using 'shrooms you always know they are pharmacologically safe (relatively speaking) but LSD, even if it was legalized, is too unstable to be used widely, IMHO.

I've known more than a few people who took too much acid and experienced permanent brain damage. With shrooms I have not seen any long term physiological problems.

You are actually full of shit. There is no guarantee that shrooms are safe. Being purely organic, they are actually harder to control the dose. Properly made LSD from a lab would be much more predictable. You are just forcing your ignorant "plant drugs are natural and can't hurt me" view on everyone. It is ignorant and dangerous. Lest you forget, cocaine comes from the coca leaf, and heroin from the opium poppy, and yes, even Albert Hoffman's problem child is derived from the ergotamine fungus that grows on rye. All are natural enough, so please pull your head out of your ass, and don't try to con us with that "it cam from a plant, it has to be safe" horseshit. Can I interest you in an large hit of datura or salvia? Those are both plants.

and for the love of God...legalize marijuana

Well, duh. In over 20,000 years of human use, it has *never* killed anyone, and never will. That is more than can be said for alcohol.

Comment Re:Elimitate upselling (Score 1) 1367

I admit that I'm not particularly knowledgeable about drug culture, but I always had the distinct impression that the people you bought marijuana from were not the type of people who would be selling other drugs.

You are right. You know nothing of drug culture.

It's a fairly distinct culture where marijuana is generally sourced from a network of friends, not some dealer on the street corner who isn't going to risk his hide for something as unprofitable and unaddictive as marijuana.

You can get marijuana on the street, and you can get hard drugs from friends. You are right: you know nothing of drug culture.

Comment Re:I wouldn't hold my breath (Score 1) 1367

As someone with an addictive personality, I disagree with you. Imagine being a recovering drug addict, walking into Walgreens to get aspirin for a headache, as you are paying for it, you see behind the cashier "ICE BRAND METH $40". You didn't walk into the store to buy meth, but your old addiction starts tempting you. It would be sooo easy to say "and can you grab me some of that meth too". You hesitate... but in a moment of weakness, you buy the meth.

What if $20 or $30 of that $40 went to treatment programs that you could attend courtesy of the the state?

You are now again a meth addict.

No. Actually, you never stopped bing a meth addict, but thanks for trying to make your problem everyone else's responsibility. Quit looking to everyone else to take your blame. You want an easy out? Darwin will hook you up. You want a pity party? Call your friends. You need a support group? Call NA! After that, leave the rest of society out of it, you lily-livered sonofabitch.

That is me every time I walk into a convenience store, except with Black and Milds (cigars), instead of meth. The ONLY thing that prevents me from actually buying black and milds, is that it isn't worth it. 2 minutes of escape isn't enough to justify the health consequences. However, if it was meth, and the promise was 8 hours of escape, who the hell knows what I would do. I am just lucky I was exposed to pot and tobacco instead of meth when I was 14.

Drug prohibition is an unfortunate response to human nature. Some people do not get addicted to things. They do not need to escape reality. These are people that drink one beer, play WoW/XBOX live 6 hours a week, etc. But some people are incapable of controlling themselves when it comes to escaping reality. These people will binge and binge and binge on drugs until they die, and cause some really bad things to happen in their communities.

Making drugs readily available is a bad idea. If I wanted to find meth, it would probably take me weeks, or months. I don't even know where to start.

What a pathetic loser! Seriously, you need to learn to apply yourself. The drugs are right in front of you for the taking. Your confession that you are a cigar junkie and not a speed freak shoots your argument to hell. If tobacco was banned tomorrow, you would find yours in your moment of desparation, Walgreens or not. If you are smoking cigars in two minutes, you have a serious problem, and probably should switch to meth.

Comment Re:So which box are you on? (Score 1) 420

Seen lots of soap boxing at NRA conventions.

Seen no ballot boxing, jury boxing or ammo boxing by NRA types. How far do liberties have to be eroded before you kick into another gear?

I am a lifetime NRA member who has been summoned to jury duty. One of the times I was summoned, I was empaneled as a juror. I also vote regularly in both primary and general elections. I would respectfully request that you lose your vitriol and self-righteous indignation, as it is completely unwarranted.

Perhaps you can find the answer to your question of when the citizens will take up up arms against the government by looking within yourself. Apparently you have not found it necessary to take up arms over all of the injustices being committed by the US government, so who are you to accuse anyone else of not firing the first shot? As long as the population is fat, dumb and happy there will be no violent uprising over infringement of civil liberties.

Here's some food for thought on why those that champion firearms and liberty aren't as eager for bloodshed as you seem to paint them. Today's firearms activist is more intelligent and diverse than you are willing to acknowledge, because it sabotages your stereotype of the NRA member as a drunken, homicidal, cousin-humping redneck.

Just because I haven't had to break open the ammo box yet doesn't mean I should surrender it. How many household fires in your home have required a fire extinguisher? Yet you probably still keep one, don't you?

Perhaps you should put as much effort into expressing your ideas as you put into your ad hominem attacks.

Comment Give Obama a chance... (Score 1) 420

I think Lincoln raped our constitution pretty hard with regard to interpretation the voluntary nature of statehood, state sovereignty, 9th & 10th amendments, and eminent domain to just name a few.

I agree -- he and FDR were the worst presidents with regards to federalism/states' rights.

Obama has at least 4 years to to try to break Lincoln & FDR's records.

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