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Comment Re:money (Score 1) 190

She's more than a researcher at Microsoft -- she's what you might call a pundit for the intertubes (aka a public intellectual). She wields a lot of influence with a lot of organizations.. So in terms of picking a fight with someone online, I'd say she's just probably somewhere near PJ at Groklaw in terms of Bad Idea (tm).

Never heard of her. Or PJ. You must be using a very narrow definition of influential.

Comment Re:That's scandinavians for you .... (Score 1) 601

i would like to see same kind of thing happen in america. or, any other country for that matter.

It happens in America all the time. The fact that you don't know this indicates you spend too much time reading Slashdot, and not enough time reading the New York Times.

How's that "new media" working out for ya?

Comment Re:Another slashvertisement (Score 1) 408

Introducing adjectives like "alleged" and "claimed" is another indicator of biased language

No, not in most cases. Only if you have a really bad understanding of the English language.

"The police have arrested Stewbacca. He allegedly molested a collie."

No bias there. It's explaining the allegations that led to the arrest.

You should spend more time learning by reading a newspaper, and less time being a dumbass on the internet.

Comment Re:Makes no sense (Score 1) 408

"How do I watch my vacation video on this?"

The one you shot on your iPhone? Just point the iPad's browser at the MobileMe account where you uploaded it to from your iPhone. Or use the YouTube app if you uploaded it from your iPhone to YouTube. Or just e-mail it to your iPad and watch it from the Mail app.

If it's the one you shot on your Flip (the most popular way to do it these days), use the YouTube app.

If you shot it some other way, I have a question for you: What's a tape? Was that one of those things that goes around in circles and you put a stick on it to make music in the olden days?

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 408

That's a good thought. I wonder if the seed that sprouted into the Mac app store started with the devolution of Versiontracker.

I mean, there are thousands of Mac users at Apple. It's not like they didn't notice that the internet's biggest clearinghouse for Mac software turned into crapola almost overnight. It affects them as much as it affects the end users.

Now I'm starting to think that the Mac app store was a more brilliant move than I realized. It's also restored my faith that Apple isn't going to get out of the computer business anytime soon. A project like this only enhances the value of Macs to the end users.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 408

I used to think the way you do: Have a problem, search the net, download software solution.

Then this morning I looked at the Mac app store, and was really surprised by all the useful software that's out there that I never knew about. Even in the small selection in the "Development" section, there were a couple of apps that made me think, "Oh, that's neat! I could use that for ____ project!"

The moral of the story is to keep an open mind. You never know what's out there if your eyes are closed.

Comment Re:Ranking (Score 1) 408

This is Apple, not Google. Links have nothing to do with app rankings.

Since you have a Microsoft-related link in your .sig, I'm going to assume you've never seen either the Mac or iOS app stores.

The rankings are very simple, and spelled out: Top Paid, Top Free, Top Grossing. That's it.

There is a segment for Staff Picks, which I believe really are the picks of Apple's staff.

The only Apple store rankings that are a mystery in any way are the "Featured" apps, and those change so often that they are unlikely to be related to any external factors, like inbound links from the internet; assuming that's even possible since this is an application, not a web page.

Comment Re:I can't wait to buy things!!! (Score 5, Funny) 408

I feel your pain. I've been trying for months to find new 6581 chips for my Commodore 64. I can't believe no one is supporting it anymore. Sure, GEOS runs fine, and I can still get my software the way I always have (at the flea market), but good luck finding a decent REU these days. But that's how it always is -- the vendors get you hooked, and then call you "obsolete."

I don't care what Commodore says, there's no way I'm "upgrading" to a C=128. This kind of forced obsolecence should be illegal!


Running Your Own Ghost Investigation? 810

Quirkz writes "I am a skeptic, but have friends and family who swear by their ghost stories. I have access to a supposedly haunted house and been tempted to run a proper scientific investigation. My first question is what sorts of tools or measurements would make for sensible metrics to test during a hunt? Temperature change seems to be a common one, but the other devices you'll see ghost hunters use seem pretty random. The second question is what kinds of results would it take to be 'interesting'? Baseline readings at several presumably non-haunted locations seem to be obvious requirements for comparison. Once you have those, what kinds of results would it take to convince a skeptic there's something unusual going on, or demonstrate that there's not? I don't have much hope of changing the minds of those who believe, but it would be satisfying to at least be scientific about it."

Comment Re:Updates (Score 1) 102

I'll give you 8/10 on the Silverlight player. It used to work pretty well, but ever since the latest update, it's all Crashy Crasherson. The only thing I ever use it for is Hulu, and if Hulu ever comes to AppleTV, I will once again live and work in a Microsoft-free ecosystem.

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