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Comment And they've tried it before (Score 5, Informative) 169

from "Through a division called Red Envelope Entertainment, Netflix licensed and distributed independent films such as Born into Brothels and Sherrybaby. As of late 2006, Red Envelope Entertainment also expanded into producing original content with filmmakers such as John Waters. Netflix announced plans to close Red Envelope Entertainment in 2008, in part to avoid competition with its studio partners."

Old Apple 1 Up For Auction, Expected To Go For $160,000+ 156

vanstinator was one of several readers to point out that Christie's is holding an auction for one of the original Apple 1 machines, complete with a manual, the original shipping box, and the letter from Steve Jobs to the owner. The invoice says the computer was purchased on December 7th, 1976, with an Apple cassette interface card, for a total price of $741.66. The auction house expects it to sell for over $160,000.

3rd-Grader Busted For Jolly Rancher Possession 804

theodp writes "A third-grader in a small Texas school district received a week's detention for merely possessing a Jolly Rancher. Leighann Adair, 10, was eating lunch Monday when a teacher confiscated the candy. Her parents said she was in tears when she arrived home later that afternoon and handed them the detention notice. But school officials are defending the sentence, saying the school was abiding by a state guideline that banned 'minimal nutrition' foods. 'Whether or not I agree with the guidelines, we have to follow the rules,' said school superintendent Jack Ellis."

College To Save Money By Switching Email Font 306

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has come up with an unusual way of saving money: changing their email font. The school expects to use 30% less ink by switching from Arial to Century Gothic. From the article: "Diane Blohowiak is the school's director of computing. She says the new font uses about 30 percent less ink than the previous one. That could add up to real savings, since the cost of printer ink works out to about $10,000 per gallon. Blohowiak says the decision is part of the school's five-year plan to go green. She tells Wisconsin Public Radio it's great that a change that's eco-friendly also saves money."

Submission + - Windows Phone 7 To Axe Multitasking (

macs4all writes: Under the "Hmmm, maybe Apple wasn't so dumb after all" department, OS News reports that Windows Phone 7 (a/k/a Windows Mobile 7) will not allow multitasking, and, unlike previous versions of Windows Mobile, will only allow "signed" apps to be uploaded through an online store. This is a radical departure from Microsoft's previous versions of Windows Mobile, and is likely an attempt by the software giant to counter widespread complaints regarding WM's lackluster performance, and to improve security.

Submission + - SongCooker unmixes Elvis Presley ! (

Ludovic Penet writes: "MIST Technologies, a start-up based in Paris, is launching today. It's a brand new musical experience with unique unmixing technology.

Until now, playing with an existing song was limited to adjusting the equalization of the song as a whole, or playing with the stereo panning.

Discover with Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel". For the very first time, you can choose to have more guitar, less piano, or even more Elvis!

The unmixing technology used to process "The King" was also used by professional to prepare the original soundtrack of the movie "La Vie En Rose".

(Disclaimer : the author of this post is CTO of MIST Technologies)"

United States

Submission + - Second most abundant source of fuel in the world? (

teddyruxpin writes: "An Erie cancer researcher has found a way to burn salt water, a novel invention that is being touted by one chemist as the "most remarkable" water science discovery in a century. John Kanzius happened upon the discovery accidentally when he tried to desalinate seawater with a radio-frequency generator he developed to treat cancer. He discovered that as long as the salt water was exposed to the radio frequencies, it would burn. The discovery has scientists excited by the prospect of using salt water, the most abundant resource on earth, as a fuel."

Submission + - Study: Frequent cell phone use slows brain

thefickler writes: Frequent mobile phone users have demonstrated slowed brain function in a recent European-Australian study. The brain activity from frequent mobile phone users shows more slow activity (increased Delta and Theta) and a slowing of the Alpha Peak Frequency, interpreted as a general slowing of brain activity.

Submission + - Salt water as a new alternative fuel source? (

dstiggy writes: A new alternative fuel source may have been discovered using the most abuntant material on earth, salt water. It seems that while investigating methods to desalinate water, Jon Kanzius managed to use an RF generator to separate the hydrogen and oxygen in water. Upon igniting it continued to burn as long as the RF field was present in the water. At least the article seems to admit that this may take a lot more energy that what burning hydrogen would create. Take this article well salted!

Feed Eradicating Polio A Better Option Than Extended Control Of The Disease (

In a new study, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed the costs and health outcomes of control and eradication options for polio. They found that the relatively high short-term costs of global polio eradication will ultimately be much lower than the long-term financial and human health costs required to control polio forever.

Submission + - Oxy"moron" - Jeb Bush College of Education

cchamberland writes: "Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier... Jeb Bush was recently denied an honorary degree from the University of Florida by the Faculty Senate (38-28) because they didn't want to humiliate themselves. So lo and behold, he manages to get the College of Education there named after him... The House Schools and Learning Council voted Tuesday to name UF's College of Education the Jeb Bush College of Education. read more about it here"

Submission + - Birthplace of Silicon Valley in Shambles

CowTipperGore writes: Founded by William Shockley in the mid-50s, Shockley Semiconductor Lab is generally credited with starting the Silicon Valley boom. When he was unable to lure his former Bell Labs coworkers to join him, he filled his ranks with the best and brightest engineering school grads, including Gordon Moore and others who later went on to form Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel. The building at 391 San Antonio Road, Mountain View, California, is the original site of the company but, unlike the HP Garage, this building has received little protection or preservation. It recently housed a fruit stand, where visitors could find a small display about Shockley above baskets of fruit. The fruit stand is now closed, leaving the future of the building in the air.

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