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Comment Re:Poaching is bad for employees too (Score 3, Informative) 132

Poaching and wanting H1-B rules relaxed means I.T. workers whose knowledge is perishable in the marketplace as technology evolves are getting screwed from the tech billionaires. Been that way for decades, and if that's not enough to make you puke, young Zuckerberg and his buddies even started a PAC to lobby on their behalf.

Comment Re:Social network API (Score 1) 260

Shouldn't feed trolls but I've been using Skype for years with a big buddy list I can't just walk away from. You don't exist as far as I am concerned AC *and* Google Hangouts user. Disclaimer, Skype sucks. It used to suck less than everything else, until Microsoft owned it. Yes, I am one unhappy camper, whose use of business services has been opted by an evil corporation; (but don't think for a moment I don't know the score, nor stopped keeping track of it).

Comment Re:no one teaches programming, you learn it (Score 1) 147

Yo, wait Geezer. The Point was it was done in FORTRAN, back in the day, while you go on whining about, "sentence structure, capitalization and grammar".

Do you think someone that could adhere to your standards of, "sentence structure, capitalization,[*] and grammar" could have made this FORTRAN achievement back in the day, and also make the point now for the Slashdot public to learn from?

* The comma is my editorial contribution to your original text; should I have used [sic]? instead?.

For a punctual citation reference:

So please lighten up while not digressing on the whole point, ok?

Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 1) 983

Um, ok, but can I still use zfs (like the FreeNAS), or perhaps ext4, or can I even use linux for this archival application using such ancient hardware?

Any suggestions for the parity errors I'm likely to endure sooner or later? Of course knowing how to deal with those in-advance would be a God-send right about now.

Comment Re:nothing new (Score 2) 58

Not to mention the sheer bandwidth of those 162,000 *** SERVERS ***!

Low-budget data-centers and co-hosts must be shitting bricks right about now when/if they max out their wholesale bandwidth contracts.

We're possibly talkin' about more bandwidth than the proverbial Volvo station wagon full of hard disks and tape screamin' down the freeway at 55mph.

Comment Re:The post alludes to a flaw in xml-rpc, but... (Score 1) 58

Good point although I notice your citation is to version 5 of Drupal which is no longer supported. But it was simple for me to see that the same pingback module also exists in Drupal core version 6, but not in the current Drupal version 7, (or upcoming version 8).

So upon reading your comment and considering the matter a little further, methinks this is simply an old-tech issue and folks need to keep their systems modern, especially in light of today's DDOS news.

Comment The post alludes to a flaw in xml-rpc, but... (Score 5, Informative) 58

The post alludes to a flaw in xml-rpc, but it seems to me this is a Wordpress-exclusive vulnerability being reported on today. Drupal uses xml-rpc for example, and all is quiet for those folks it seems.

I know a fair amount of work has been spent beefing up Drupal's xml-rpc implementation, so maybe that's working now, whereas the implementation used by Wordpress is vulnerable and failing. TFA is a little light on details as to the technical source being manipulated and abused.

Comment Re:Screw with the bull and you get the horns. (Score 1) 89

Like, right now, for too long already, I have been trying to figure out how to make something work. And when/if I am successful I have a carrot to look forward to maybe possibly, and otherwise a stick which is a known fact and I hope to turn around, eventually. I hate the stick so much and I never get a carrot, for reals.

But there is no one that can teach me at least given my resources, although no doubt Other People know. My boss cast me aside to search for those other fish (arrogant privileged fool he is. First-developer-turned project-manager btw; who obviously couldn't deliver the functional requirements himself), is that a stick or what?

If there is no first option, and you're motivated enough, then you might as well do what you can with option #2. How else will you learn anything?

Did I mention I am using open-source software? So if I ever get a carrot, at minimum, at least I gotta follow through with documentation for others to follow. Or there's that karma thing, maybe for reals too. Did you ever see the movie Groundhog's day?

Option #2 is really hard, and you can hope to avoid it all you want, but sometimes, it just smacks you in the face like a ton of bricks.

Comment Re:No matter, GNOME, no thank you (Score 1) 77

I like it a lot too. On both my netbook, notebook, and large double-monitor rig. The first thing I do after I install Ubuntu is install Gnome 3. Also when I do this for other people I turn on to Ubuntu for the first time, it has been a hit with everyone so far.

Your anecdote may vary from mine. But this is mine. I tried it compared to everything else and I like it.

Comment Re:Screw with the bull and you get the horns. (Score 3, Insightful) 89

There are two ways to learn anything.

One way is if you are fortunate to learn from Someone Who Knows Already and is patient and gracious enough to try to explain and share with you what they have already learned. Or perhaps you can learn from simply observing and paying attention of those Wise Folks Who Have Already Learned. (Or you could apply science, but let's not digress)

The other way to learn stuff which works really very well, perhaps even better than the first method, especially if forgetfulness is a variable we should also take into consideration is the method I like to call, 'pain and suffering', is somewhat self-explanatory, and really works well also.

And by all means try to go with the first option if at all available to you when you try to learn stuff, because it is most-preferable for sure. This much I have learned for myself the hard way too many times.

Comment Re:Cool, but possibly not mass market (Score 1) 70

Jolla announced something similar quite awhile back called 'the other half', but haven't delivered anything substantial yet. Still, I'd argue they are a player in this space too, have been doing it for awhile also, and most of those folks are former Nokians, so they know hardware and also how to integrate it at the OS level.

While I said Jolla hasn't delivered anything substantial yet, that is actually a very arguable judgement call I'd rather not get into. Still, I would like to point out that Jolla has articulated a developer strategy with the developer's SDK, made it available already, and have released some hardware modules for purchase already, (which is substantial really, relative to today's news of GOOG's projected plans for the future, as GOOG does their typical skillful technology marketing hype, this time of their recent hiring of some former DARPA folks).

OK, it is eye-candy, but if you care to look at some of the current demos of the Jolla 'other half' working in-sync with their OS Sailfish, you can see how pairing one with the other can influence of the current OS color scheme, for example. Sure Jolla also is also speaking of the future with their technology in their promos just like GOOG, but at least they actually offer something today you can buy.

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