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Comment Re:The US = Land of the Lawyers (Score 1) 580

the relatives of the one shot will sue Sony for millions of dollars due to the release of the film that Sony KNEW could unleash terrorism.

You don't really think they could win that lawsuit, do you? The only think they KNEW was that there was a threat. Sure, lawyers would probably have made the theaters and Sony post signs about the threat, but then the patrons also KNEW about the threat.
Otherwise any event in the country could be stopped by a mere phone call or email or even a tweet.

Comment Re:I've always known this! (Score 1) 53

I thought it was understood because it was so painfully obvious? If only I had known the world was so stupid I would have published the law myself decades ago...

Good on you! But surely this can't be the only thing that is obvious to you but a marvel to the rest of us. So get cracking and start publishing. Don't miss another opportunity!

Comment Re:The Pirate Bay (Score 1) 302

Would Disney pay for the rights to Starwars if they could just wait it out and take it for free?

Trademarks and copyright are two different things. But I like the idea of after a short period of time, say half a dozen years, there's a small fee for renewing a copyright, with that fee rising year after year. That way the large majority falls into the public domain and remains useful to society, while the monetarily valuable ones can remain protected for as long as they're worth the escalating fee.

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