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Journal Journal: CloudFlare Anti-DDoS is Hijacking Browsers 1

While trying to debug a site today (thanks to CloudFlare's Anti-DDoS blocking my customers from using anonymous/private mode browsing,) I discovered that CloudFlare's anti-DDoS measures will actively kill any instance of Firebug running in your browser. As a web developer, I find this pretty annoying. As a site administrator, I find their lack of respect for my customer's privacy appalling. But what I find even worse, is that CloudFlare is actively modifying my computer programs and how they

Comment Re:I like my men in vinyl whilst having the homose (Score 1) 433

On a CD cover, same fucking way we did it in the 80s and 90s. Open the fucking thing up. It's at minimum a folded insert, and there's enough room tehre to break down a quarter easily.

And yea, you needed to deal with a whole ounce because back then weed was garbage. I've got some of those original genetics in seed form thanks to a bunch of old heads. WEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAK.

Comment Re:Despicable Greenpeace (Score 1) 465

"Damnit Khyber, we are opposed to forcible child rape, same sex of otherwise, and we're sick of you defending pedophilia,"

Thanks for giving me a reason to contact DICE and subpoena them for your information. IP + time made + verification of who owned that IP at that time = defamation and libel lawsuit instant win.

Comment Re:Useless attempt (Score 1) 1051

"Firstly - The "flu vaccine" is not meant to be an across the board vaccine for all flu strains - there are simply too many for that to be viable."

You assume I didn't know that. You assume incorrectly. I knew about that from BASIC HIGH SCHOOL starting almost.. twenty years ago, child.

"Second - your immune system isn't a muscle,"

You fail at recognizing analogies. You obviously haven't graduated from high school, yet.

Try again when your knowledge and reading capabilities are on par with mine.

Comment Useless attempt (Score -1) 1051

"You need to be vaccinated!"

Yep, which is why the current anti-flu shot is TOTALLY FUCKING USELESS because the influenza virus mutated and made it completely fucking ineffective.

Go ahead, keep giving your immune system that shitty exercise that only puts on 'water weight.'

Mean while, I got that mutated flu, and was done with it in two days. My immune system got exercise and a protein diet, and has REAL MUSCLE to show.

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