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Comment Fight more about Client/Server separation ideology (Score 1) 319

Sure, Node.js and Java are competing in the same space; the bigger question is how? The answer to that question is Single Page Applications, or SPA. Single Page Applications are becoming very popular with new developers (I believe) because they just make better sense. For FAR too long, Java EE architects have done their very best to mitigate the separation of Client & Server. Take JSF, for Example: the entire JSF UI development experience almost lets you forget that the UI and the server context are in the same memory space. But reality frequently comes crashing down the moment you step off of the beaten path.

Enter the SPA! Angular, Backbone, etc. all rely on RESTful API's, and DO NOT CARE if it is Node.js, Java, .NET, etc. SPA’s make a full and clean break between the Client and Server realm, then only thing they share is the common midpoint of the RESTful interface; making fight less about Node.js vs Java, and more about distinguishing what you need from a back end server.

My general assertion: Node.js will continue to gain popularity and displace many competitors. Java will going to continue to dominate the enterprise market for years to come, especially with the support of specialized frameworks and utilities like Spring, Maven, Hudson, and Junit. (honorable mention for gradle)

Comment Re:As Wallace Matson said: (Score 1) 1007

My wife is a Christian and I'm an Atheist. We get into conflicts when ever our children give open questions about God, Church, Religion. Frequently, the children seem to agree with me that evidence is required for belief, and that the burden of evidence is on the Theists side. Am I wrong to defend their fragile beginnings? I try to maintain that no one knows the truth, and all we have is evidence.

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