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Comment FUD (Score 0) 434

They make you upgrade to the latest version, whether you want to or not, otherwise your software stops working.

Tell that to my iPad that I haven't updated for more than 6 months because I don't want to lose the jailbreak. Haven't run into a single app - including Apple's - that insists on upgrading to 8.3. Same thing happened the year before that, where I stayed on jailbroken versions of iOS 7.

but then they suddenly decide that your hardware cannot upgrade to the latest OS, without which your software won't work, ergo you have to get a new device.

You can run it on a 6 year old Mac Mini. We'll cry you a river.

Comment No power?? (Score 1) 395

Contrary to popular belief, the president has no power at all to deal with the national debt.

The Executive:

1) Writes the budget. The budget defines how money is spent. How much money is spent has just a little bit to do with the national debt
2) Signs or vetoes legislation. Presidents say "I will veto this bill if it does/does not do X" all the time.
3) Is the leader of his party, and largely dictates his party's agenda. Even as a lame duck, Obama can cut off campaign money for Dems running for reelection next year if they aren't "team players" on the budget.

The president has more power and influence over the budget than entire committees or leaders of the respective chambers. That's not quite the polar opposite of "no power", but it's pretty close.

Comment Re:Ah Free Market Capitalism (Score 0) 395

Within 400 yards of my front door is a hydro power plant owned by a paper mill.

Power that probably is 1) regulated as a public utility or 2) has to compete with another provider, and cannot raise rates as they see fit.

Complete non sequitur and contrary to fact.

Quite the Randian gag reflex there. Post office! Municipal water! Boo!

Most people want cars, do you want to have to buy a Trabant? Everyone needs shelter, do you want to live in a "project"? Everyone needs clothes, do you want to be limited to what the government supplies? (Good luck if you need orthopedic shoes.)

Now there's a complete non sequitur. You're moving the goalpost from a natural monopoly to other markets that don't have monopolies. Because Randians have no honest answer on how to deal with natural monopolies or market consolidation.

Government control allows the appointment of political hacks to jobs that they're not competent to perform.

Grab yourself a time machine and find the laziest bureaucrat from the most run down Soviet plant you can imagine. He's not going to have a direct incentive to cut corners that get people killed the way corporate hacks do for your beloved capitalists.

Comment Re:THINK (Score 1) 395

re LOST in every carefully examined recount conducted in exhaustive after-the-fact tests run by a panel of journalism outlets (including some that actively opposed Bush and worked to get Gore in office).

You mean the press study showing Gore winning a statewide recount under any scenario? If only all wingers were as considerate when debunking their own revisionist history.

No, the Supreme Court stopped a corrupt recount process, aided by a partisan state court, from continuing under unreasonable and unfair conditions. They didn't "appoint" Bush the winner, they called out Gore's cherry-picking, standards-shifting strategy for being the craven election-grab it was trying to be.

Deranged projection, noted. Florida was using one standard: determine the intent of the voter. Pretending that is "corrupt" because Florida had half a dozen different voting systems is being willfully obtuse. Ignoring the fact that all the corruption was coming from the GOP - voter purge lists, counting illegally cast overseas ballots, letting workers take home incomplete ballots to fill them out from Republican counties - is just sophistry.

Comment Cute asshattery is still asshattery (Score 2) 161

depicting Manning as a male Manning was when the cables were handed over to Wikileaks.

standing next to the political fugitive mister Assange

FTFY. If it had anything at all to do with rape, the Swedish government would have taken Assange up on his offer to return to the country if they promised not to hand him over to the U.S. they way they did to Mohammed al-Zari. They never have.

Even i, a right-wing Greek, couldn't plan it better!

Are you a recent national socialist, or does it run in your family?

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