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Comment Re:Oh God No... (Score 1) 222

No weaker than Alien 3 and certainly miles ahead of Resurrection.

The scientists in Resurrection take the prize for absolute idiots, unlike the prospectors in Prometheus, they had no excuse for their poor scientific techniques. They knew what the aliens were like and they still failed to take proper precautions for containment and disposal.

Comment Re:Just y'know... reconnect them spinal nerves (Score 1) 210

We are able to at least partially repair severed spinal cords now. That's a lot further along than a couple of years ago.

It may not be perfection, and connecting one spinal cord to another might not even match up the nerves, but there is progress being made. And we might get a complete repair treatment out of this.

Comment Mandatory Pratchett quote. (Score 3, Funny) 60

Suppose this article inverts the story, but still...

It's a pervasive and beguiling myth that the people who design instruments of death end up being killed by them. There is almost no foundation in fact. Colonel Shrapnel wasn't blown up, M. Guillotin died with his head on, Colonel Gatling wasn't shot. If it hadn't been for the murder of cosh and blackjack maker Sir William Blunt-Instrument in an alleyway, the rumour would never have got started.

Comment Re:better than rushing steaming piles of shit. (Score 1) 180

Pratchett's are too short for this argument.

To really drive the point, use Steven Erickson's Malazan Book of the Fallen instead. 10 books, one at 700 pages, 4 at 1000 pages and 5 at 1300 pages from 1999 to 2011. Love it or hate it, he kept the plot lines neat, didn't forget major characters and actually came got it to an end.

Comment Re:Colour me apprehensive. (Score 5, Insightful) 94

A lot of the Prometheus complaints seem to originate from the concept that the crew should have been a 100% perfectly professional team that knew exactly what to do in all situations. Given what Weyland was trying to accomplish, it's not surprising that some of the crew weren't up to the job.

Vickers' team was intended to die to hide what Weyland was up to, so the "exploration" specialists that weren't critical to the process were chosen to be expendable and characterized as such. They were stupid idiots because they weren't professional explorers, but lured there by money to fill an gap in the roster. If they had pulled in a completely professional team, Weyland and David wouldn't have been able to get the situation to the state they needed it.

I'm constantly amused by the number of people who get so upset when a movie portrays characters this way. It isn't a failure of the writers, it's a success in portraying an imperfect, greed-motivated person who thinks they are in the position they are in because they are the best, but actually aren't. Maybe that hits a little close to home for some.

Comment Re:Pretty Fine Line There (Score 1) 181

Since the automated Comcast etc letters are polite, in legal terms, requests to take down the allegedly infringing media, you can argue that they are the entity requesting the destruction of evidence in their own case. Since they allege they own the media, they assume it is within their rights to do so. Until you actually get sued, acting on those legal requests is perfectly valid even if you delay the deleting of the media. It would only be once you were served with notice of intent to sue with instructions to preserve the evidence that you may become liable.

Comment Re:Pro-Life & Planned Parenthood (Score 2) 121

Lovely strawman, I tip my hat to you. Quoting a line from an era when eugenics was considered good science and not following up with her change of stance when the whole eugenics crap was discredited following WW2.

I've said it many times over, people are allowed to change their minds when new knowledge comes to light and old stances should not be commented on in solo when their enlightened stance has replaced the old one. It's bad science and bad argument.

Comment Re:Pullin' a Gates? (Score 4, Interesting) 449

If you went and read Linus' rant, then you'll find you are actually reinforcing his argument. He says that except for a handful of edge use-cases, there will be no demand for massively parallel in end user usage and that we shouldn't waste time that could be better spent optimizing the low-core processes.

The CAD, video and HTPC use-cases are already solved by the GPU architecture and don't need to be re-solved by inefficient CPU algorithms.

Your Linux workstation would be a good example, but is a very low user count requirement and can be done at the compiler level and not the core OS level anyway.

Your Linux gaming machine shouldn't be doing more than 3/4 cores of CPU and handing the heavy grunt work off to the GPU anyway. No need for a 64 core CPU for that one.

Redesigning what we're already doing successfully with a low number of controller/data shifting CPU cores managing a large bank of dedicated rendering/physics GPU cores and task-specific ASICs for things like 10GB networking and 6GB IO interfaces is pretty pointless, which is what Linus is talking about, not that we only need 4 cores and nothing else.

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