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User Journal

Journal Journal: digital archiving

So I've been getting more dvd's recently and I'm starting to have a fairly respectible sci-fi collection. I've had a "wanted" list for some time now, and it keeps getting shorter, but now i'm almost to the point of having to get certain titles that I find to be boring (solaris) just for the sake of completeness. Having a complete archive is important to me, but I'm starting to wonder at what point I need to restrain myself. Another issue I have to start thinking about is the dvd end-of-life s

User Journal

Journal Journal: cycle class

I've enrolled into a motorcycle training class a while ago, and the class is coming up on my schedule soon. I'm excited to learn how to ride bikes without pedals! I'm almost payed up on my Xterra, and I'm starting to shop around for a cheap used motorcycles that I wouldn't mind trashing. Hopefully if everything goes as planned I can be riding my own bike in 3 or 4 months. I want to geek modify the bike as ghetto-akira-fabulous as possible! I will possibly have an integrated 802.11 war-finder,

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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
