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Journal Journal: Yeah, but now we'll never know...

Taken from a wikipedia entry (:

In October 2007 researchers from Bangor University in North Wales determined that an ocean quahog clam, dredged up off the Icelandic coast, was aged between 405 and 410 years by counting rings on its shell, making it the longest-lived animal on record. The clam, nicknamed "Ming" after the Chinese dynasty in which it was born, was young when Queen Elizabeth I came to the end of her reign and Shakespeare was writing his plays.[1][2] The researchers are uncertain how long the clam may have lived had it been left on the ocean floor.[3]

On the one hand, we'd never have known about this critter if not for the dredging that found it, in the name of research. On the other hand, gee, we're never going to know how long this critter might've lived.

It makes my head spin to contemplate this.

User Journal

Journal Journal: MASSIVE HARRY POTTER SPOILERS! (aka my predictions) 1

Okay, spoilers follow...
















Last Chance!










It turns out that Hermione is really a man, dressed in drag. And the wands...they're made out of PEOPLE! And Ron Weasley was actually already dead for the whole series. The End.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Irradiated Foods, and the FDA... 1

According to a recent news item (, the FDA is considering relaxing the rules concerning irradiated foods.

I'm a bit concerned, because even that isn't an accurate description. According to the proposal, they want to relax the rules concerning how it's labeled; the proposal is to call all irradiated foods that do not "have their structure or properties changed" (and those terms are a bit losely defined) as "pasteurized".

What do you think?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Thoughts on a quote... 2

I saw a .sig on an email today:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -MLKjr.

And my first thought was that the irony of this being a quote from someone who was gunned down for his beliefs is not lost on me. It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:

"Though the early bird gets the worm, it's the second mouse that gets the cheese."

Now I'm not discounting that great efforts sometimes require great sacrifices; I'm just all too often reminded of the dangers of putting principles before, say, the laws of physics. Life isn't always as simple as worms and cheese.

I think I woke up on the snarky side of bed this morning.

But then I saw the following:

"You may be gone tomorrow, but that doesn't mean that you weren't here today." the change you want to make in the world.

And be wary of the free cheeses.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Buzzwords and Misnomers... 5

I was reading in a recent article how the GOP talking heads are making much ado about "fascism" as a new buzzword-- all the kewl neo-cons are saying it (much to my ironic shagrin).

Anyway, one rather interesting view in this article pointed out that the phrase "war on terror" is a misnomer, as terrorism is a tool and not an ideology. This individual then went on to say it should instead be "war on radical Islam". I strongly disagree, because most people are just going to hear "Islam", etc. However, his first point is an apt one that got me thinking.

So I'm tossing it out there-- is there a more accurate term than the frequently-bandied "war on terrorism"?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Calling Dr. Love... 2

What is your opinion of (romantic) love? How would you characterize your experience of it? Have you ever been head over heels?

How do you know when you're in love?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Reality is, therefore...I think? 4

Sometimes I think myself a fool for wanting to see the good in the world that seems full of dissappointment. Sometimes I think myself a fool for not remembering that a bright outlook enables me to prepare for the good in the world when I see it. Sometimes I wish I could choose one and rip the knob off.

Which would you rather be-- a hopelessly deluded (but very happy) optimist, or a reality-centered (and very aware) pessimist who was prone to bouts of depression?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Finders...? 6

You find a wallet with a FAT wad of cash in it. What do you do? What if it was just a plain envelope with cash in it, crisp clean 100's? What if it was just a $100 bill? What if it was just a $20 bill? A $1 bill?

Now, suppose and of the above were yours, and you lost it. What would expectation of any given person to do in each of those situations?

User Journal

Journal Journal: The concept of karma... 7

Do you believe in karma? Or any such concept, that is-- in the idea that there is some cosmic balance kept whereby the color or intent of one's deeds always come back on oneself?

User Journal

Journal Journal: One potato, two potato, three potato, four... 3

Presuming you know that little rhyme, quick! Of what did it remind you?

The first time I heard that little ditty, I was knee-high to a grasshopper, playing hide-and-seek with my cousins. At the time I thought it was a really clever way to pick who goes first.

Nowadays I'm surprised some desperate pop star hasn't tried to record it, blatantly using the background beat to some older Madonna song.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Schoolhouse rock... 3

What's your favorite happy childhood memory or ritual? Was it around a place (the ice-cream truck), a certain time, a season?

Mine was Saturday morning cartoons...remember those? Man, I remember getting up early, decked out in my underoos, with a bowl of Cap'n Crunch, and not a care in the world. ::nostalgic sigh::

User Journal

Journal Journal: Egg on my face, and the things it taught me...

What was your most unequivocally most embarrassing moment or screw up, ever?

Did it teach you anything useful? Anything unexpectedly related to the incident in question?

For some silly reason, I can't remember of mine, and I fear they must've been especially bad lately if I'm suppressing them...and now I'm curious!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fuel/Motivators, part two... 6

So let's say your motivated, chomping along at a fierce clip, ball of fire, or are at least a goodly boulder rolling downhill.

What saps you (or can most sap you, if it catches you unawares) when you're at your most juiced? What do you most regularly battle against to keep your momentum?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fuel/Motivator... 6

Some people say they run on coffee. Some people say that they do their best work under pressure. Others say that thy do everything (that they do well) for love and never for money. Still others are driven by a need to excel beyond their peers, or even their own expectations.

What do you run on? What is your chief motivator?

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