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Comment This is what it means (Score 1) 204

increase fluidity of information

Apparently the information at MS is not very fluid, so this is a serious attempt at making that information much more fluider

and ideas

This one suspiciously coincides with the legalization of pot in WA state

flatten the organization

I think this is really a statement about facilities, there is a lot of wasted vertical space so most likely they will be installing something like those Japanese "drawer" hotels (where the person lays in what looks like a human sized drawer). They should be able to put a screen and keyboard in there so people can work laying down. I'm guessing they can get 3x more people in each building with this system.

Comment Re:Best game programmer (Score 2) 285

How do you define best? Just because you've heard of someone doesn't mean they are the best. I programmed games back in the 80's and during that time I ran into like-minded people and within that group it's tough to tell, different people have different attributes, It certainly possible to tell who has natural talent, but I don't think "best" even makes sense.

Comment Re:Having no idea... (Score 2) 44

Short answer: yes, different levels.

Longer answer: There is much complexity and the real answer would probably cover a few books. But a few highlights: neurons have their firing rate and their spike levels modulated by a variety of things in the brain. Glial cells (which are 10x more numerous than neurons) inhibit and disinhibit neurons, communicate with each other and are involved in computation. Some neuron communicate with a continuous flow of protons (inner ear, acceleration detection), some fire locally on their dendrite instead of the typical method of sending a signal down the axon. There have also been recent discoveries linking microtubule quantum vibrations to anesthesia effects (implying it is part of computation).

Comment Re:Oh, how cute (Score 1) 289

I always wondered why that mission failed so badly and then I read up on our special forces. They had only been formed fairly recently before that mission (a few years?) and that mission was one of the first. I was surprised, I had assumed we had those types of special forces groups in the military for a long time.

Comment And reading code isn't "coding" (Score 2) 161

For me, coding/design/problem solving seems to be mostly 3d abstract visual with objects being represented by some abstract entity and interactions that I can "see" (in quotes because I'm not sure that's what's really going on) and manipulate.

Reading or writing code is a translation to/from the imagery which is the real "code". The imagery is the abstract representation of the solution and where the problem solving happens.

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