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Comment And I'd be willing to bet (Score 2) 192

It isn't just the U.S. Navy, but the IRS and a bunch of other government offices that are still on XP for legacy reasons. Let's face it, Vista was an abortion from the get go, and Windows 8 wasn't much better. In fact every even numbered OS from Microsoft is horrid. Hence why business uses Windows 7 now.

Comment Re:I stopped using it 5 years ago (Score 1) 395

On my cell phone the only time I get voicemails is from callers that aren't in my contacts list. They get automatically dumped to voicemail and I'll listen to it at my convenience.

Android is wonderful in that respect - prior call blockers required you to whitelist individual entries. Now they blacklist everything but your contacts. Really nice.

Comment Re:Enterprise Turnover? (Score 1) 199

I wonder that too. I can recall the heady days of Windows where smart admins would test updates on a system with all their software to see what it broke and how to fix it.
But the versioning can't be an worse than Ubuntu lately. Constant updates. I understand it's to correct functional and security issues. But perhaps once every couple weeks?

Comment This is really odd (Score 1) 395

Because every state pretty much requires and emissions test annually or bi-annually. It involves plugging a reader into the OBD-II port and downloading any condition codes, and then the standard tailpipe sniff.

What makes it so gross polluters are still out there is because after failing said emissions check, a waiver can be obtained.

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