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Comment Re:I agree with the snapchat guy (Score 1) 213

The point was that his argument is as invalid on the move from phone to watch as it was from desktop to phone because people don't seem to give a damn about image quality, but instead for convenience or even just being able to show off their new toy.

And my point is that drawing an analogy between desktop to phone and phone to watch doesn't work, because while there is a noticeable gain in convenience from a desktop to a phone, I have yet to hear how moving from the phone to a watch increases convenience. Being able to show off their new toy I'll grant you, but without some concrete advantage like there was from desktop to phone, I don't think it'll fly in the end.

Comment Re:Coke or Pepsi (Score 1) 319

Uh, both?

Nope. Every distro I've seen (although I'll admit I haven't made a business of surveying them) installs vi by default but not Emacs.

Even if not it's about 3 words into the command prompt away assuming you've got internet connectivity.

I can install JOE the same way. So obviously JOE has won the editor wars.

Comment Re:I update my OS every time MSFT kills it (Score 4, Insightful) 319

What is the entire lab doing planning to run Win 10 Home? That's the only edition that forces mandatory updates. Pro lets you defer them; Enterprise lets you completely control the process

It's the extortion model of OS pricing.

"Lovely little computer you have here. Shame if it got broken in an update. Just buy a little insurance and you can avoid all that."

Comment Re:Coke or Pepsi (Score 5, Interesting) 319

the Emacs vs VI war is over (Emacs won)

Say what? I work in a shop with extensive Solaris and Linux installation, and run several personal Linux boxes as well. They all have vi. None of them, as far as I know, and I checked several, have Emacs. This was not a conscious decision for any of them: it's just the way the hosts installed (although on my personal boxes, I would've installed vi had it not installed by itself). Who won the war?

Comment Re:"Over-Fishing" in Advertising (Score 1) 351

What the hell? Why would someone advertise prescription medication? Isn't the idea behind prescription medications that the doctors decide on the drug to give you?

A) Your doctor is a lot more likely to prescribe it if you ask for it and B) they advertise to the doctors. A lot.

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