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Comment Re:Not sure this is deserved in this case (Score 1) 438

Less government regulation is pretty much what Libertarianism is all about, so this is more him sticking true to his ideals.

Except this the government going back and undoing what it had previously done. Originally ISPs were to be treated as common carriers but the government got bigger by using its power to say they weren't common carriers.

If the government had the power to say ISPs weren't common carriers, it most certainly has the power to say they are. No contradiction or overstepping of authority.

Comment Re:Why would a non-sports person have cable? (Score 1) 329

The sports thing is only really important to me during college football season, other than that, I don't watch it.

Ditto. That and Formula 1 as well. Those are really the only two sports I would regularly watch. When the World Cup comes around I would watch that as well.

Aside from that, don't really care to watch any other sports. As Homer said when he was at a baseball game after he had given up drinking beer, "I never realized how boring this game is."

Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 630

Not individual evidence, corroborated evidence. Red beets WILL make me puke. No exceptions. Even the smallest piece of beet eaten with a salad will cause this effect, something I have had all my life.

And yes, they should be removed from the market being the vile products they are.

Comment Re:Curse you, Entropy! (Score 1) 486

It's the same mentality which claims recycling aluminum cans is more costly, in every sense, than getting the raw materials and making the can in the first place.

Anything to justify how evil not continuing down our current path is because if it can be shown through evidence that recycling or alternative fuels provide the same benefits we enjoy now with substantially reduced costs and/or environmental effects, their political agenda will be shown for the farce it is.

Comment Re:You no longer own a car (Score 1) 649

How nice. So what you're saying is everyone else is responsible for paying for your incompetence except for you.

Just like Obamneycare. The obese, smokers, alcoholics and drug users never have to change their lifestyle choices because everyone else picks up the tab.

Talk about abandoning personal responsibility.

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