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Comment Re:well.. (Score 1) 760

Right. Because people become wealthy by being foolish with their money.

Not sure who it was but a physicist showed that; if you model US income by assuming that everyone has a pile of money and everyone goes out for a few hours a day and throws/catches random amounts at each other based on the size of their pile, the resulting income distribution mirrors that of the US population as a whole. Further, it does not matter how much each individual starts with, the same result occurs even if all piles are all equal at the start.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 283

no one was really targeting the civilian population as a matter of intent

Yeah right, tell that to the people of London, Dresden, Hiroshima, Manchester, Nagasaki, Auschwitz, etc, etc, the only reason Paris was spared was because Hitler valued the architecture and wanted to keep it intact.

Even the most bloody wars (such as the English civil war) kill less than 5% of the population, OTOH the black plague regularly killed ~50% or more of the people in the cities/regions it infected. People who survived the plague had a brief period of high living standards due to all the abandon property lying around.

There are a lot of environmentalist who think the world is over populated

As a science based "greenie" my "agenda" is to be a part of a sustainable, peaceful, disease free species. Wars, plagues, and mass starvation are what I want to avoid. Science and common sense tell me that the main factor in obtaining what I want (for my 3 grandkids) is population. There's plenty of evidence we can achieve humane population control by educating and allowing women to control their bodies, and providing security of living standards in old age.

Or we can continue to behave like fermenting yeast, expanding to consume our available resources and killing each other for access to untapped/unguarded resources (territory, water, food). AGW is the #1 mid (and long) term threat on the pentagon's list of threats to global stability and it has been that way for almost a decade. The reason is that AGW will dramatically change the current (territory, water, food) map, and it will do so this century - even if we all stop emitting GHGs today.

Syrian civil war - Canary in the coal mine? - "There is evidence that the 20072010 drought contributed to the conflict in Syria. It was the worst drought in the instrumental record, causing widespread crop failure and a mass migration of farming families to urban centers. Century-long observed trends in precipitation, temperature, and sea-level pressure, supported by climate model results, strongly suggest that anthropogenic forcing has increased the probability of severe and persistent droughts in this region, and made the occurrence of a 3-year drought as severe as that of 20072010 2 to 3 times more likely than by natural variability alone. We conclude that human influences on the climate system are implicated in the current Syrian conflict."

Comment Re:They're doing it wrong. (Score 1) 447

Nooope. You have to use at least abit of it. The smaller it is, the more effective it is. Zero doesn't qualify. So, physics says 10^-26 is like zero, mathematics say 10^-26 is > zero. Homeopathy works differently if you re a math guy or a physics guy.

So let's treat it as a reciprocal. The efficacy of homeopathy is 1/amount used, so as the amount used goes to zero, the efficacy goes to infinity, and... beyond!
(Well, okay, for 'beyond' you'd have to use a negative amount, but that's what happens when you get someone else to use yours, I guess?)

Comment Re:Life (Score 5, Interesting) 117

The four Galilean moons are interesting from an evolutionary POV.
Io - Molten sulphur on the surface, purple volcanoes all over it.
Europa - Deep water ocean, thin crust, very active plate tectonics.
Ganymede - Europa with a deep dish crust and cooler core.
Callisto - A rock.

So it would seem that gas giants may have their own "goldilocks zone" when they are orbiting in the colder regions of their host system. So the "average" solar system may have 3-4 "habitable zones" rather than just one.

Comment Re:Unfair comparison (Score 1) 447

accept the fact that there is in fact a vastly important, and quite scientific role which the mind plays in the processes of health and healing

Yes, the people who push Homeopathy and other forms of medical voodoo are also very likely to fuck with the victims mind, the aim of the brainwashing is make sure the victims avoid real doctors and keep coming back. The well known skeptic James Randi lost his father to one of these charlatans.

Comment Re:What's wrong with GLS (Score 5, Insightful) 328

I'd be surprised if LED's are ever as cheap as incandescents, a few year back I bought a bulk pack of bulbs - I paid around 35 cents/bulb, and the 100W bulbs were the same price as the 60W bulbs.

LED's have many more components than a light bulb, and are more difficult to assemble.

One thing to consider is total cost of ownership, and over the lifetime of an LED, you would have bought somewhere between 30 and 100 incandescent bulbs.
Another thing to consider is that the one LED will use about 1/8 the power of those incandescents, so unless your power is free, you're now looking at 240-1000x the total operating cost for incandescents compared to LED's.
My next-door neighbor has very little money, so back in 2009 she bought a big SUV because it was $1200, compared to $3000 for a subcompact... and then couldn't afford the gas to get to work. People are really lousy at looking at anything other than the initial purchase price.

A third thing to consider is that as fewer people buy incandescents, the cost of maintaining tungsten-drawing machinery and other lightbulb-specific manufacturing equipment is going to rise. Vacuum tubes are hard to make well, and while we have a century of experience in doing so, silicon is dirt cheap and getting cheaper.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 2) 157

Aliens with gigantic neutrino cannons is the obvious answer.

Having said that, chaotic systems are often statistically very stable, mathematically a stable non-linear system is known as a strange attractor, a strange attractor is always a fractal. The golden ratio pops up in all sorts of fractals, especially spirals.
It's said that our own sun has at least two internal spiraling magnetic fields that "wind themselves up into knots" for the peak of the 11yr sunspot cycle. Who said it I don't recall, but it wasn't the "electric universe" guy. ;)

Comment Re:Syntax and typo errors compile (Score 1) 757

Aside from effort and portability, it doesn't really matter what language(s) or framework(s) you use to get the job done. A basic understanding of the algorithms and concepts that have emerged from computer science and logistics over the last ~80yrs is the secret to being a "good" programmer, consistently knowing where, when, and how to apply them is the secret to being a "top-notch" programmer.

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