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Comment Re:Actually a good idea (Score 1) 565

Yes, because people love to read long pages of text and never just click the first button at the bottom of the dialog. More importantly, plenty of Firefox users don't know they're using Firefox, or don't care, and won't know how to react to such security notices.

The first notice is much simpler: users will recognise that they are 'upgrading' to a new version, almost all will allow it, and people who don't like the awesomebar or something have the option to deny. The second notice is just confusing to novice and casual users.

It's funny.  Laugh.

NES Nudity Galore - The JUSTIN BAILEY Conspiracy 103

Ben Mallahan writes "The debate has raged for years over the origins of the infamous JUSTIN BAILEY code for the original Metroid; but now the truth has finally come out. Brace yourself for the story of the biggest cover-up in video game history ... and a healthy dose of 8-bit nudity!" You've been warned. This short was produced by Ben Makes Movies.com, and I got hooked into watching a few of the other shorts there as well.

Submission + - Ars reviews KDE 4.0 (arstechnica.com)

dropgoal writes: Ars Technica has a good-sized (albeit not Siracusa-length) review of KDE 4.0 up. Ars notes that, although 'the new release comes with almost as many new bugs as it does features,' there's a firm foundation for KDE 4.1 and future versions. 'It's important at this stage to keep an open mind and not write off the important technical work that has been done here (much of it not visible on the surface). I've been using KDE 4.0 since the release and what I see when I look beyond the current version is an impressive foundation that is built to last... Ultimately, I think that the strength of the underlying technology will enable KDE developers to move past this rough patch and produce releases that are more acceptable for widespread adoption.'

Submission + - Photo scaling affects content more than you think 4

An anonymous reader writes: Even the most sophisticated scaling algorithms share a common basic flaw that can have dramatic effects on picture details. This flaw can be used to create a completely vanishing image. When the picture is scaled to half its size using even expensive software, it becomes a gray rectangle! To learn more about that flaw, see the other examples and compare the differences between a correct resize tool and what you get in your favorite drawing program.
The Courts

Submission + - Court Santions 'Anti-RIAA' Lawyer (com.com)

uolamer writes: "Last year, an attorney representing a woman sued by the Recording Industry Association of America claimed his client is innocent and asked a federal judge to levy sanctions against the association's lawyers.

Instead, in an unexpected legal twist, U.S. District Judge Terry Means ruled on May 16 that it was entirely likely that the woman was violating copyright law via the Kazaa file-sharing program — and ordered that her attorney be sanctioned for wasting the court's time with "frivolous" arguments.

CNET Story"


Submission + - Dreamhost down nearly 24 hours, thousands affected

dgtlmoon writes: "Following a planned power outage that went for an unplanned amount of time due to some burnt out cables discovered during the maintainence dreamhost.com hosted websites are down, some estimates are between 100,000 and 250,000 domains are affected, further-more when the power came back on they found a bunch of core routers to be dead and are having difficulty resuming normal operations, this is issue is just about to tick over to 24 hours open."

Xbox 360 Wins Through 2009? 306

simoniker writes "As part of a recent MI6 Conference presentation, IDG's Jason Anderson made predictions on the North American installed base of the next-gen consoles through 2008. He predicts that the Xbox 360 will continue to hold a lead into 2009, with the PS3 just behind and the Wii trailing significantly. In particular: 'In 2008, Anderson suggests 15.5 million units in homes for the Xbox 360, 13.5 million for PS3, and 6.8 million for Wii.' Is the Wii really going to trail by so much, or do the analysts not 'get it'?"

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To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas Edison
