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Comment American Teenager Droned (Score 4, Informative) 202

The story of al-Awalaki's 16 year old son doesn't get enough coverage. Presumably, he's one of the 4 americans that have been (officially) killed by drone strikes.

Obama's campaign staff said that the boy should've "had a more responsible father."

Comment Re:Slashdot will hate me for saying this. (Score 2, Interesting) 202

The world is much more terrifying than you realize.

Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like "honor", "code", "loyalty". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!


Comment Re:I'm not covinced by Dyson (Score 1) 125

And don't someone come up with the BS about everyone will sit around in blissful nirvana writing poetry or music or coding or go kayaking all day. It ain't going to happen.

And don't someone come up with the BS about it ain't going to happen without even bothering to state a reason.

Comment Re:Everybody go to that Post article... (Score 1) 30

Because Ghostery reports 21 different trackers (and RequestPolicy sees 16 cross-site includes) it isn't obvious how to see the comments on that site without rolling over and exposing your belly. So I did it in a throw-away firefox profile and posted the comment here for everyone else who might be curious. It isn't anything new.

Chad Wilson
3:44 PM EST
Correction: The "slashdot creator" is merely the owning company and hosting the site. The users of Slashdot CREATE the content. The creator of the web site itself is not the current owner. There is nothing at all that needs to be changed about the current UI. It delivers the USER-SUBMITTED articles in a clean and clear fashion. The USER-CREATED comments are the where the true gems lie, though. The articles are usually badly summarized, but in the USER-CREATED comments, that is where the truly important information can be found.

Additionally, it is said comments that are what the non-posters are reading. It is that content that makes Slashdot valuable. To blithely dismiss this, and so arrogantly, shows how little Dice understands the problem

Comment Re:The Slashcott (Score 1) 238

After getting a couple of thousand karma points at HN over the course of a year (manly due to a couple of very popular story submissions) I quit going there because their administration is even more opaque than slashdot.

They have this policy of "hell-banning" posters so that they think their posts are going through, but they are the only people who can actually see their own posts. If you set an obscure flag in your preferences you can see their story submissions (and comments), they are marked "[dead]" immediately upon posting rather than by any human process of moderation. I got curious when I noticed five or six people who had been making high quality story submissions for months that were basically invisible to everyone else.

The admins at HN don't notify people when they get hell-banned, they don't tell them what they did wrong so they can avoid it in the future. No warning, nothing. The admins don't even give the people who have been hell-banned a chance to make amends. If they do happen to figure out that they've been hell-banned on their own, there is no process for appeals, nor any other form of remediation.

It's completely arbitrary, capricious and well, Kafkaesque. Kind of like getting on the TSA's no fly list. Nobody will tell you anything and if you figure it out there is nothing you can do about it. I guess the TSA is worse because you can't really change your identity, but you can create a new account at HN. But you still won't know what you did to get hell-banned, you may well do it again. That shit's going to get old after a while.

Once I realized just how cruelly (presumably unintentionally) HN was run, I didn't feel like I could continue to contribute to their success so I took my toys and went home. I really wasn't up to a campaign of trying to fix things, just wasn't worth the effort.

Comment Re:Just be honest - it's not for *US* (Score 4, Insightful) 2219

I totally understand how jarring it is to see such a huge amount of change all at once, but we also have to look at what the website will look like a few years down the road.

A lot of us here are software developers. How about opening up your development process and sharing your requirements and design specifications with us so we will know where you are going and what your goals are?

As it is now I don't have a clue what problems you are trying to fix. All we have seen so far are the negatives. But if we knew what problems you were working to fix then you might get a better reaction.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 3, Insightful) 2219


You don't have to be running old systems to want to avoid javascript. I block javascript because of the threat of malware -- nearly every web browser exploit in the last decade has had javascript as a necessary component.

This is a site for technical users, we know the dangers of javascript. We know that no one can guarantee that a website will never be compromised and turned into serving up malware. It isn't reasonable to expect Dice to fix our systems if they are ever compromised through slashdot. But it is reasonable to expect Dice to enable people to use slashdot without forcing them to expose themselves to unnecessary risk.

Comment Re:Begun they have... (Score 2) 234

Beta does look like ass -- but corporations chasing profits only care about the profits.

You presume that the people making the decisions know what the fuck they are doing. I don't think they do.

Becoming yet another website of pablum without a niche isn't going to bring in any profits, the competition for the most mediocre site on the net is just too fierce.

Comment Re:Insight into Dice's Thought Process (Score 2) 9

Those users are leaving, sir!

Indeed. The problem that I have with slashdot beta is that there is nothing in it for me. I don't see anything that is an improvement for me as a technical user. And if I missed something, there hasn't been much of an effort to inform me.

Here's what I want:

(0) Minimal frills - function over form
    this implies:
      dense information presentation - don't waste screen space
      zero javascript puffery - only use javascript if it is absolutely necessary
      don't try to get clever with the UI - KISS

(1) Easy to browse new stories
(2) Fast and easy to read comments
(3) Easy to comment
(4) Easy to search old stories and comments

I don't care about mobile - who reads slashdot on their phone? We read it at the office to kill time during things like a build.

Comment Re:Illegal HOW EXACTLY (Score 1) 298

Until ISPs are classified as common carriers, the FCC will not have the authority to enforce any level of net neutrality - which a former FCC chairman has recently stated. I have not said, and do not believe, that we have ever had any level of net neutrality.

We had exactly that until 2005 when the FCC reclassified DSL and CATV ISPs as "information services" (not common carrier) from their previous classification of "telecommunications service" (common carrier) which they had held since the inception of the internet.

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