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Comment Wow, wow...wait a sec! (Score -1, Troll) 232

"Its a terrible company" City Councilor Gary Rosen said. "In my opinion, they should not be welcome in this city. Comcast is a wolf in wolfs clothing; its that bad."

Who would have imagined this? In the world's largest free market economy. Oh wait! Is it, really?

I am waiting for Obama to preach to the world about the so called free market. Why not let it in so that the market decides?

Comment What a question? (Score 5, Interesting) 126

Is owning a share of, say, Apple, conceptually the same as owning a share of Alibaba?

How can this be the case? In a few instances: -

If one is looking for return on investment, then it's probably the same.

If on the other hand, one is looking for an avenue to influence company direction, owning shares in Alibaba and startng this effort is almost a guaranteed exercise in frustration, for Alibaba is a company with capitalist "genes" which have a tinge of socialist, heavy-handed characteristics.

I should add that this isn't bad at all.

Comment What? It's only a matter of time... (Score 1) 504

"So it's not technically feasible for us to respond to government warrants for the extraction of this data from devices in their possession running iOS 8."

Let Apple relax for it's a matter of time. As any software developer knows, software will [always] have bugs. Apple's software is no different.

Comment Sounds "third-world" like... (Score 2) 124

...she had pressured staffers to hire the live-in boyfriend of an immediate family member over other, better-qualified applicants. When he finished 75th out of 76 applicants in the final round of screening, Cohn "intervened and created an additional position specifically for the applicant...

Can someone now say this is any different compared to what happens in those "third-world" countries? Seriously!!

Now I believe the mantra, "It's who you know..."..."not how much you know or anything else..."

Comment Re:I can explain the failure[s] (Score 2) 182

I agree the effort could be improved, but you can't call it poor.

Let's agree that "poor" or otherwise, is subjective.

Now, let me say that I am a product of an educational system that many in the west despised when I came over. Guess what! I beat all of my classmates in their own mother tongue (English) and mathematics. In fact, I used to call it "chicken feed."

I still do some teaching now, but in all my classes, students from Asian and African education systems beat my native born Americans. This has been the case ALL the time.

One grammatical error I always hear goes as follows: "I would have went there..." Another one, "I have already ate..." I am no expert but this doesn't sound right. Or does it?

In my fiance's Journalism Class, three quarters of the students failed the English qualifying test administered in their own mother tongue! Reason: Poor English. Half the other quarter were from poor countries. I must say they changed courses later on as word spread that employment opportunities weren't that great.

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