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Comment Re:When will they realize (Score 2) 303

Nope, polygraphs DO work....but only because people THINK they work.

They trick people into confessing things they wouldn't otherwise confess, because "the machine will find out" anyway and at least there may be some mercy if they voluntarily confess.

All bullshit, of course, but it does work....just not for the reasons we assume it does.

Comment Re:No, you won't torpedo yourself if you organize (Score 1) 388

I thought SF86 only asked about the last 7 years, or since you were 18 if you're under 25?

I reported my arrest (no conviction, and it was a misdemeanor) and past drug use on my SF86 and still got a Secret clearance, never heard boo about it. Hell, I never even got pee tested.

Comment Re:Summary says it all (Score 1) 634

The United States has outcompeted the rest of the first world with it's ostensibly-atrocious medical system for 50+ doesn't seem like that's much of a problem in that context.

You don't think the fact that most 1st-world nations, except for the US, were smoking craters with devastated infrastructure after WWII had just a *little* to do with that?

Comment Re:The mechanics were (are?) interesting. (Score 1) 1532

Every employee had to show up to the office and be given a formal-on-paper memo telling them they were furloughed. Remember, by statute, the in-person delivery of a notice on paper was required.

All of this may have been changed in the meantime.

Nope, hasn't changed. My Dad is a Fed employee and he has to go in today for about 2 hours to "tidy up" and sign his furlough paperwork. Not sure about people who usually work from home (he doesn't).

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