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Comment Re:Quothe the raven, "Forevermore". (Score 2) 205

Right... I suspect that intelligence continues by spawning new universes with properties amenable to life and ultimately intelligence. Obviously the disproof that "Eventually, it all must end" is that something and intelligence exists now! The OP hypothesis contains an implied assertion in that this known universe is a one-off event that happened and now is just sputtering itself to its inevitable end - totally egocentric. If it were the case that entropy is inexorable, in an infinite time line it would have already happened and there would only be homogeneity.

Comment Space is the Place (Score 4, Interesting) 692

All those who sign-up to live and work in orbiting colonies get age-reversal therapy for free. The primary economy will to be build more and better colony ships to handle the influx of long lived people. Within a generation or two the entire Earth will be most emptied and the federation of human colonies will declare Earth a "National Park" available to visit on vacation - just pick your continent.

Comment Re:At the companies I've worked with... (Score 1) 271

Yeah Python is the new Perl... younger folks tend to snear at Perl. However being a long time Perl programmer I have learned Python just to see what all the buzz is about. I would recommend the subject of the OP to learn Python but they do occupy the same solution space and most anything can be done in either language with the same ease and elegance. However with that said Mod_Perl Apache modules rocks for customizing Apache.

Comment To boldly go (Score 3, Interesting) 58

The quest for life in the universe is perhaps one of the more important endeavors of our time... I wish this search would take on more emphasis then the say the next weapon system. Collectively humans spend more on carnival cruise ship or Hollywood movies then we do in searching for life and intelligence beyond earth. The thought (as noted by Arthur C Clark) that either we are the only intelligence in the universe or we are not and there are other forms of intelligence out there - are equally powerful motivating forces towards an expansion beyond this little fragile womb.

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