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Comment Re:Depends on how hot it is (Score 1) 398

A gun? Not really. If things degrade that far, I'd rather have a means to get the heck out of there

So you want a means to get the heck out. How about a gun? Otherwise I'm thinking helicopter. Maybe a big long secret tunnel? Saying "It's ok guys, I'm leaving until the National Guard cleans things up" is not likely to help you if things degrade that far. Otherwise you need to be out before things get that bad, but comms and news might be hard to come by and you could easily miss that window because you're busy surviving and reluctant to leave your supplies behind. Better to have a gun and not need it sort of thing...
As far as generators go, I'd recommend propane if you can swing it. Better long term storage than gasoline. I saw these Lifestraw things recently, looks like a good item to have around and they're cheap.

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