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Comment Re:Don't feed the parasites! (Score 1) 316

I thought people were allowed to have their own beliefs in this country without others attacking them for it.

>modded insightful

Yeah, well moderation here isn't perfect. Because you are wrong, and I will demonstrate how in the next two sentences.

You are perfectly free to spout inane bullshit.
Other people are perfectly free to call you on it.

That's how free speech works.

And your post was complete bullshit supported by toddler logic.

Have a nice day.


Comment Re:Teaching Windows/Linux (Score 1) 579

>I was trying to figure out how to turn on focus-follows-mouse in Ubuntu,

1. You can't even /do/ "focus follows mouse" or "sloppy focus" in Windows.
2. You're doing it wrong:
3. You find 3 ways to do it, pick the worst one, and imply that's the one that users have to do.

Idiot. Troll.


Comment Re:I would (Score 5, Insightful) 123

throw the ones responsible into jail for a long ass time to make a nice example.

While I applaud the sentiment behind this, the "ones responsible" will be some poor schmuck low on the totem pole sacrificed to the god Mammon. Probably a janitor somewhere that would be blamed for throwing away an "important memo" on "please don't do that" which didn't exist anyway.

In an ideal world, emails would be pulled, phone records retrieved, evidence recorded, and those up top would be held responsible for this. And in a really ideal world, none of this would happen. But this isn't an ideal world and fines are "just the cost of doing business."

Look at what Duke Energy got away with. Look at what they all get away with.

>letting the corporation survive

No. That won't fix anything. It has come to the point that corporate death penalties actually have to start happening to light a fire under the asses of employees that would see their livelihoods taken away by higher-ups in the corporation through mismanagement, along with boards seeing their corporate governance (and cash that goes with it) taken away, and stock holders wiped out. Only then will there be any motivation for good corporate governance.


Comment Transmission costs ignored, as usual. (Score 1) 409

Rooftop Solar is /less/ costly than any of the other alternatives, because it costs real money to get electricity from a centralized powerplant out to the customers.

Even if generating at the powerplant is free, the transmission costs alone are greater than the cost of rooftop solar.

The gyrations of wholesale power prices are rarely reflected in consumer power bills. But letâ(TM)s imagine that the wholesale price of electricity fell to zero and stayed there, and that the benefits were passed on to consumers. In effect, that coal-fired energy suddenly became free. Could it then compete with rooftop solar?

The answer is no. Just the network charges and the retailer charges alone add up to more than 19c/kWh, according to estimates by the Australian energy market commissioner. According to industry estimates, solar ranges from 12c/kWh to 18c/kWh, depending on solar resources of the area, Those costs are forecast to come down even further, to around 10c/kWh and lower.

Math, motherfuckers.


Comment Re:Where is the private key stored? (Score 1) 175

Where is the private key stored?

It doesn't matter.

Yahoo lost control of my login credentials *twice* that I know of. While I have never been to Sweden and Bulgaria, I have apprently sent mail from there. Yahoo is the only service that I have ever used that lost control of my login creds like that - since 1986. Y! mail is now a spamtrap for me. I will never use it again.

Knowing Yahoo, the private key be stored in plaintext on the user's profile page.


Comment Re:Certainly not the first (Score 1) 116

I don't think he had Internet access in 1987. That came a bit later, I believe. Certainly not on the Microvax. Andy didn't charge for access to the machine when it was a BBS which probably saved his butt.

Lots of time spent in Vax Multi-User Moria and VMS Phone.

I believe Daver was 12 or something when he wrote the full-screen editor for the BBS.


Comment Re:Certainly not the first (Score 2) 116

>Yup. On a VAX stolen from Brown & Sharpe.

I saw that Microvax in Andy's basement. "Hey Andy, where'd ya get the Vax?" "We don't talk about that."

"...Ok..." >proceed to turn up Pink Floyd's DSOTM.

After he returned it, he got an ancient 780 and I believe 2 (or 3?) washing machine sized disks.

slightly related tangent -

Ferguson Perforating got rid of their Microvax II one day and I found out that it went to the landfill, because the guy they gave it to couldn't operate the damn thing "and it was old." I was catatonic with disappointment. "DO YOU THROW AWAY A MICROMETER BECAUSE IT'S NOT ELECTRONIC?!" I yelled.

It was 1993/4. Still the heyday of the BBS networks. I could have created a beast of a multiline setup bigger than Andy's. *grumble grumble*


Comment Re:VW Beetle (Score 2) 53

Hacking is supposed to be good stuff here, right? Or did something change?

Yes, something changed.

An Internet media "giant" bought Slashdot. Thus the "media" definition of hack, not ours. Jerks.

Our definition of hack would relate more to hot-rodding instead of this system-smashing claptrap.

>vw beetle

I agree.


Comment Re:we're missing the METERS (Score 1) 218

The meters on traditional cabs may sometimes be tinkered with, but that's illegal

Like that stops anyone.

I knew it took 11 bux to get me home after a night of being out, no matter what cab I took from Downtown Providence.

Enter the guy with license plate #1 on his taxi. Someone who I had ridden with for years and thought was straight. Suddenly instead of 11 dollars, it was 15. "I'm paying you today, but don't expect to ever see me in your cab again."

He drove around for a few years after that still jacking his meter until the city finally had enough of his antics. Lawd knows how many people he screwed over.


Comment Re:It's better to hear people you might disagree w (Score 1) 124

This is the principle of false equivalency - treating propaganda, vapid opinions, and just plain falsities with the same weight as facts, in the aim of being "fair and balanced." Letting the CIA, NSA, others speak at conferences where they are there to spread their own propaganda and to then treat these presentations as valuable facts is intellectually dishonest at best.

There is a time when various people need to be shunned to give them a wake-up-call, and not allowing these jerks to take time at our conferences.

The CIA fucking spied on the fucking Congress and made up "evidence" to turn over to Eric Holder to prosecute congressional staffers. Because they didn't like the investigation into plainly illegal torture.

These people need to be shunned and locked out, not catered to. Many need to be in jail at the very least.


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