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Comment Folded, spindled, and mutilated. (Score 1) 217

"The population census has got him down as "dormanted". The Central Collective Storehouse computer has got him down as "deleted". [â¦] Information Retrieval has got him down as "inoperative". And thereâ(TM)s another one - security has got him down as "excised". Administration has got him down as "completed". ⦠Heâ(TM)s dead."

Brazil (1985)

Comment Re:Jack Conte, Nataly Dawn, Kickstarter, Patreon (Score 1) 192

this sounds great on paper,

No, it's not "on paper" and you seem to not know that Jack Conte (half of the duo Pomplamoose) is the CEO of Patreon. Patreon is the child of the experiences that Nataly Dawn and Jack Conte had with Youtube, and my posting of the interview on the BIRN and Nataly's closing of the other video was meant to be informative.

If you bothered to watch them. Which you didn't.


Comment Re:The end of reading as culturally relevant... (Score 1) 192

Bookstores aren't dying.

BIG bookstores are dying. The independent bookstores seem to be multiplying, after what seemed like iminent death at the hands of Borders, B&N and BAM.

Borders is gone. B&N is smaller, and BAM is simply disgusting and I won't go there ever again after going there once (it's a southern 'christian' company and it shows, especially in the whole two shelves of science books they had - I re-shelved Behe's "darwin's black box" in Fantasy). And when I was at BAM, I swear it was a whole lot of floor space for too few customers. Its days are numbered. Here in the Northeast, anyway.

But indie book shops where you get personal assistance and customer service? There's a renaissance.

Amazon isn't killing them. Amazon is killing the book-megastore.


Comment Jack Conte, Nataly Dawn, Kickstarter, Patreon (Score 5, Informative) 192

Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn's experience with Youtube, and music publishers basically summed it up like this:

You can either go to a studio, sign a contract and /maybe/ make back your advance and /possibly/ hit the lottery and fill arenas


Cut out the middle-man and get more direct support and actually make a living. Nataly set up a Kickstarter for her first album and got 5x more than she expected.

Thus the motivation for Patreon.

Watch this interview:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

And skip (if you want, the cover is pretty darn good) to the end of this video:


Comment Re:Karma to burn so fuck you. (Score 1) 154

>what they mean is, there aren't many one man or 5 man shops developing Open Source for a living.

Yes there are. They are also directly supporting that stuff for their clients and getting cash for it. Because a lot of businesses don't want a "one size fits all" solution, because "one size fits all" is a complete oxymoron.


Comment Karma to burn so fuck you. (Score 4, Insightful) 154

I could have let this one slide, but I have a few things to say:

1. Darl, Darl McBride, is that you? When will you be testifying against Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow? You have a chance to redeem your soul! Imagine that!
2. The myth that "you can't make money on open source" is a myth so debunked that you have entire industries built on it, from servers and supercomputers to cellphones and kids' toys.
3. The myth that people don't get paid (slaves) to develop open source is belied by the fact that small companies like IBM are major contributors and specifically pay for people to work on open source code.

And even Microsoft pays people to do it now.

You can take your 20 year old arguments, write them out on oaktag, fold it until it's all sharp corners, and shove it straight up your arse.

Have a great day.


Comment Re:HAHA WUT? (Score 1) 280

Typing in a 6 letter word that I remember is much quicker than opening a program, typing in my master password, finding the account that I want to log in to, clicking on the log-in button, then switching back to the browser. Even describing what you need to do is too long and complicated.

You know how I know you've never even /tried/ using a password manager?

Argument from complete ignorance is bad form, man.


Comment Re:alittlebitofspinach (Score 1) 280

Ask for "inconsequential" slashdot password
Raymorris dodges it
Tells me "yelp password"
Go to yelp
Yelp requires email address as login
Look up raymorris' email on slashdot
(email not shown publicly)
Try various raymorris@$MAILPROVIDER via "lost password"
None exist, not the top 5 anyway.
Google search "ray morris" or "raymorris"

Whatever, man.


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