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Comment Re:Slippery slope, blame the driver (Score 1) 392

This isn't a slippery slope.
The driver pushed the gas pedal hard, the car obeyed.
It's the correct response, even if it hypothetically had pedestrian detection.
How is the car to know that the driver wasn't caught in some sort of dangerous carjacking situation that warranted the driver's actions?
Until we get AI that can make decent moral decissions, it should defer to the driver's judgement.

Comment Re:Another reason my first new car will be a Tesla (Score 2) 392

Why can't all cars be more like a Model S and ship with the most relevant technological developments "out of the box"

Which out-of-the-box Model S are you talking about?
The one without the cruise control, lane assist, self-parking or adaptive suspension options? (which is all of them).

Comment Re:Defective (Score 1) 392

What is "autonomous movement"? If I put my car in first gear and release all the pedals, it'll start moving forward without me touching any part of the car.
In this particular case we're talking about "autonomous breaking"; a safety feature.
If you make an auto manufacturer 100% liable for any additional safety feature not working 100%, they simply won't implement any additional safety feature at all.

Also, my sig seems to apply to parent's comment.

Comment Re:*shrug* (Score 1) 387

C64 Geos did it better and earlier than Win3.
Win3 really didn't offer much over single applications with GUI's.
Win95 was the first release where I thought that this OS might hang around for a while..

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