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Comment Re:Germany still building coal plants ... (Score 1) 260

BMW for one. Germany has been very aggressive in pushing green energy.

And just as aggressively building coal plants to back up the green sources. Coal has been a huge benefactor of the green push in Germany. Now admittedly these are modern, efficient and cleaner burning coal plants than what typically comes to mind. However the point needs to be made that renewables are almost always backed up by fossil fuels.

Expect some new nat gas plant to go up near Tesla too.

True. You should also mention that the coal plants built were to replace the older brown coal plants.
In the first half of 2014 Solar grew by 28 per cent in the first half of 2014 compared to 2013 and wind power grew by 19 per cent over the same period last year. brown coal generation is down four per cent and the production of hard coal-fired power plants decreased 11 per cent from 2013. Gas had the biggest decrease (preparing for the Russia /Ukraine challenge maybe?). Pity, gas would be preferable to coal imo.
the amount produced by coal has decreased and renewables increased.
There's a pretty graph in the linked page.
The 2013 figure for brown coal was about the highest it's been though.

I'm keen to see how well Tesla manages this.

Comment Re:What about range on this smaller car? (Score 1) 247

There is also the possibility of charging your car at work, friends/relatives houses... this could introduce the problem of power theft.

It also doesn't appear to be too far off for the use of a car as energy storage for a house - The Nissan Leaf is offering that option already although I'm not sure if it could cope with our western home requirements although the Tesla battery should be able to manage a couple of houses over night. A new business model - selling power to your neighbours?

Long distance travel is the only real weakness as you've pointed out. You really wouldn't want to miss a charging station - I suppose it may be possible to ask any residence if they were willing to let you charge your car (for a fee).

Comment Re:Another misconception bites the dust (Score 1) 365

In what year is it predicted that Germany will generate fewer kWh of power from coal than it did in, say, 2005? Will we have to wait until 2050 or something for this long-promised decrease?

This might interest you:
I would have thought Germany would have been better off closing the coal plants first and then phasing out nuclear but it appears to be a popular choice (still). I guess they weren't impress by things like:

In 1979 a report on the stability of the pit building was released by a working group under the leadership of HH Juergens which describes the now imminent scenario of uncontrolled inflow from the capping mass in the southern flank resulting in the subsequent loss of the load carrying capacity. The manager of Asse II in 1979 and his advisers categorised this report as "unscientific" and declared that there were no stability problems.

Now they have problems....
Trust is low I guess.

It's interesting that France is going to scale down it's nuclear generation and replace to capacity with renewables - cost reasons.

Comment Re:Rich, white hypocrites? Say it aint so!!! (Score 1) 317

It appears to me that Mr Tillerson believes having infrastructure needed for fracking near his property will affect his quality of life. The increase in water storage is directly related to the fracking requirements.
The lawsuit explicitly states that

BWSC will sell water to oil and gas explorers for fracing shale formations leading to traffic with heavy trucks on FM407, creating a noise nuisance and traffic hazards.

. People will be inconvenienced by the fracking. Mr Tillerson doesn't want to be in that group.

Comment Re:Fucking rednecks (Score 1) 1030

sounds like a genuine question.
OECD summary: http://www.oecd.org/site/tadffss/USA.pdf
OECD page for all countries with links to data: http://www.oecd.org/site/tadffss/

The biggest "subsidy" to the oil industry imo is the amount spent protecting oil and gas pipe lines and shipping lanes.

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