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Comment Majority of Syrians may Support Assad (Score 2) 918

If this news is reliable (there have been other polls which show more support for Assad regime than for rebels), it is woth to notice that majority of Syrians seem to support Assad regime instead of the rebels, many of which are foreign islamists:


And it was Saddas regime which suggested solving the conflict by having elections, but the rebels refused this offer. I wonder why...

Comment Re:I'm usually against military action. (Score 2) 918

Have you considered that it could be a false flag operation and that military action by foreign countries may just cause even more difficult problems and even genocide against minority groups, like Christians by the rebels?:


Comment There are valid reasons for recording the sex (Score 1) 814

For example, in genetical studies sex is often important information. It is also used as a quality control measure. If the recorded sex doesn't match with the results of genetical testing, it can cause a lot of trouble. There may be a "witch hunt" to check if somebody has mixed up samples or sample information and the results of whole families may have to be thrown out, if there is suspicion that there is some kind of sample/pedigree mix up. However, it is typically possible to have other values than just male or female as the sex. Typically allowed values are "unknown" and "don't want to tell you".

And there are other valid reasons for recording sex, like doing statistics where you want to do comparision between sexes. And I personally wouldn't like to receive advertisements that are targeted for women as I am unlikely to be interested in them and they just waste my time. However, I think it is good to give the option of not giving the sex, if you don't want to give it. Many people oppose saving any unneccesary personal information, including sex, to different databases, web sites etc.

Comment Re:Finnish name correction (Score 1) 35

In Finnish there is no tradition of replacing "Ã" with "oe" and it looks very odd. If it is too hard to write YlÃnen, I would prefer Ylonen over Yloenen.

In most cases you are able to understand/guess the Finnish words correctly even if you write "a" instead of "Ã" or "o" instead of "Ã" -- especially if they are in a sentence that has many words giving more context. However, there are (possibly dangerous) exceptions, like "ala" (= begin/start) and "ÃlÃ" (= don't).

Comment Jamming/destroying sensors (Score 1) 622

In practise, fighter plane has to "see" the enemy plane in order to to attack it. If radar is jammed and optical sensors are blinded by using laser, the drones might lose even against World War II fighter planes. On theory, you could use laser to blind fighter pilot as well, although there is a treaty against deliberately causing permanent blindness using laser.

Comment Re:Linux i like. Linus not so, after seeing a talk (Score 1) 786

What is wrong/unpleasant in that video? I didn't watch the entire video as it is so long, I watched only random parts of it, but IMHO he sounded quite pleasant in it.

Maybe this is some kind of cultural thing, because I am Finnish. On the other hand, I find that sometimes he uses a bit too harsh language on mailing lists.

Comment I am interested bying one (Score 2) 61

It will be interesting to see what the price will be for the tablet. I am quite interested having Linux on my devices instead of Android or Windows, which both have privacy issues and lack of total user control of the device.

Devices like this. is something that other continents need as well. It hope this starts new trend which helps to grow market share of (pure) Linux devices.

Comment Body tries stop you eating enormous amounts (Score 1) 483

If the food doesn't have very high caloric "density", normal body should at some point start signalling that you have eaten enough. First hunger disappears and if you still force yourself to continue eating, you will start feeling nauseous and if you ignore that, at some point you start vomiting. However, some foods don't trigger that reactions fast enough compared to the calories they contain and there are sick people, like bulimics or persons with Prader-Willi syndrome, where this mechanism doesn't seem to work well enough, which cause them to eat extreme amounts.

Comment Re:Or you could just eat less (Score 1) 483

And before eating anything else, you should start by eating vegetables with low amount of energy, like cucumber, lettuce etc. And do it without pouring enormous amounts of fatty salad dressings on top of them.

And you should stop eating before your stomach is full. It is enough to eat as much to take away the hunger. And you should use small drinking glasses, plates etc, because it helps to keep the amount of food you eat lower.

And if this doesn't help, start calculating calories and changing the content of food and drinks to something that has less calories (and take smaller amounts of them). Laws of nature guarantee that you lose weight if you just cut enough the amount of calories you get from your food and drinks. It is just question of making this more pleasant, by choosing right kind of food, that helps take away your hunger without a lot of calories.

Comment Human body can't work against laws of nature (Score 1) 470

Human body cannot get energy out of nothing. Human body has to maintain body temperature which is usually above the surrounding temperature and this takes constant energy. And if you eat nothing or just little, the body has no other choice than start getting the energy by burning fat and other human tissues.

However, it is worth to notice that excessive eating doesn't always has to cause obesity. For example, if you have malabsorption, a large portion of the energy that would have been available in the food, just goes directly through your intestine. That is not against laws of nature. However, getting energy out of nothing, is against laws of nature. You cannot store more energy as a fat, than the amount of energy your food has (and in reality your body has to create heat etc and cannot store all that energy as fat).

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