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Comment Re:Men are obsolete (Score 1) 387

"Why on earth would you ever encourage ANYONE to line up for work in a coal mine?"

Do you hear anyone complaining that girls are under-represented in coal mines like they do about high paying low physical exertion jobs?

I'm pretty sure that's the analogy here. do you not understand analogies? it's used to compare two things that are similar but different so to maximize the point in the comparison that they both share but might be overlooked. In this case it's feminists demanding partial equality in jobs but masquerading their complaint as demanding full equality in jobs.

Comment Re:Peak Water (Score 1) 377

you said:

"Fracking doesn't poison ground water".

Weird, taking a second and googling "fracking poisoning groundwater", the top hit was this:

" Records from disparate corners of the United States show that wells drilled to bury this waste deep beneath the ground have repeatedly leaked, sending dangerous chemicals and waste gurgling to the surface or, on occasion, seeping into shallow aquifers that store a significant portion of the nation's drinking water.

In 2010, contaminants from such a well bubbled up in a west Los Angeles dog park....."

the second hit was this:
"...How can drinking poisoned water be safe? Numerous scientific studies have concluded that fracking poisons the local water supply by adding carcinogens and radioactive materials. According to Dr.Sandra Stenigraber, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Ithaca College and Science Advisor to Breast Cancer Action, there have been over 1,000 different cases of water contamination near fracking sites."

So um where exactly do you get this bit of logic? oh from the oil/natural gas companies you shill for? that would be my guess.

Comment Re:Damn I used to like southwest (Score 1) 928

"I don't quite follow your logic there. To sit together, families should...wait until more people get on the plane? "

You don't understand the logic of three different boarding groups.. A B and C, where each group boards TOGETHER?

how that would allow them to sit TOGETHER rather than boarding in two SEPARATE groups?

I'd rather people not feel like they get special treatment over others because they have kids.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

" But I choose not to medicate myself out of that fear, but live in it. "

" that takes absolutely zero effort to avoid."

these two statements do not seem to reconcile.

can you help explain how not doing drugs takes zero effort when you have to constantly make sure to force yourself to live your life without them?

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

"Do I drink coffee? No, actually. At least, not regularly enough to be called a "coffee drinker". I certainly don't drink it for the caffeine - I'm not sure I've ever felt the effects of it. I drink it for the bitter-sweet-milk taste. Otherwise, I mostly drink tea."

"I certainly don't drink it for the caffeine"
"Otherwise, I mostly drink tea"

omg THAT WAS AWESOME!! thanks for the laugh today.. awesome...!

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

" You're not born taking drugs."

for being mr science you sure don't know shit about how the brain works do you? FYI the only reason any drug works is because they either mimic the molecular properties of drugs that already are produced by your brain or stimulate the drugs the brain produce.

So yes you are taking drugs from the moment of birth.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

I guarantee you are an addict, maybe not to drugs but to SOMETHING, it's how the brain is hardwired.. it's a pleasure/reward system that we all have, the difference with drugs is it's an external stimuli easily provoked, but that's actually quite a small difference when you consider how easily reward stimuli is provoked almost universally (food addicts, sex addicts, exercise addicts, being a moral person addict, etc.., whatever you continuously seek reward from doing to the detriment of others and self) it's all addiction, just easier for you to externalize shame onto others because they don't choose the same addiction as you do.

I see most everyone demonizing "drug addicts" here while feeding their own addiction of self righteousness, both addictions harm other people.

Comment Re:Taking responsibility? Ha! (Score 1) 511

there are a number of withdrawal reducing or negating drugs out there that can be prescribed but are not, maybe finding out why this is or why people would not want to ask for these is a good start instead of making doctors afraid of prescribing pain medications to victims of serious bodily injury.

Comment Re:Smokers (Score 1) 155

my personal experience is they don't.. my grandfather smoked for 60 years.. he had slight emphysema (used an inhaler when it got bad) and died at 82.

my grandmother smoked 50 years (quit at the end), had dementia and died at 84, no cancer or emphysema.

so... what was the point again? oh yah right, personal experience is crap when it comes to making decisions that effect EVERYONE, so please tell them to your friends after dinner (or maybe not) but keep it out of discussions about public policy decisions.

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