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Comment Re:Resume (Score 1) 249

You might like to know that being salary doesn't exempt you from overtime. Just saying...... that isn't how the law works in the US anyway. Many companies pretend to not know this until you remind them.

Also, the formula for overtime is often different. It is often closer to half-time pay for salary employees.

In-Vitro Muscle Cells, It's What's For Dinner 619

wanzeo writes "Within the last decade, many of us have experienced the encroachment of ethics into our mealtime. Phrases such as vegetarian, vegan, organic, bST, GMO, etc. have become part of common grocery store advertising. The most recent addition to the list of ethically charged food is in-vitro meat, or meat that was cultured in a petri dish, and was never part of a live animal. The project has been brought to fruition by Mark Post, a biologist at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. Grown using animal stem-cells on a nutrient medium, the nearly see-through strips of muscle would need to be stacked nearly 3,000 times to approach the thickness of a burger. The practice promises to be more humane, sustainable, and efficient than conventional meats, with one analysis suggesting it would, 'use 35 to 60 percent less energy, emit 80 to 95 percent less greenhouse gas and use around 98 percent less land.' In a world where nearly half of all crop production is used to feed livestock, a move towards artificial meat may be inevitable."

Comment Re:Can't Even Do Their Job (Score 1) 533

The problem is, you prove to us time and time again that you can't. We trust you to do some small task, and it blows up, and we are left to clean up the mess.

We let you have Iphones, managed yourself, and then your phone gets stolen and you are upset that company data was on it. One of us gets fired. Go figrue.
In an older example. We let you build some neat tools with Access, that you then roll out to your department and share with the company. Pretty soon it crashes and burns, like all Access projects eventually do. IT gets blamed for letting it happen. One of us gets beaten and then fired.

Comment Re:This is getting out of hand (Score 1) 533

I disagree entirely. The users I have that are asking for Ipads and Iphones and Droids, want them entirely for status. So far, they have both proved to be less reliable, and less productive than the standard Windows Laptop and Blackberry setup. The support costs on our Apple and Droid products is at least an order of magnitude higher than our Windows/Blackberry combo.

At our organization, the tablet is already dead. Everyone has realized it is a joke for productivity. The executives have already dropped them on my desk and are now asking for new laptops and netbooks.......with Windows 7.

While the tablet craze is dead, we are still battling the Iphone and Droids. They are strongly desired purely for the status. The users requesting them know nothing about them other than seeing someone else have what they don't. After we hand them out, we can check the usage and see that they are not being used.....just carried around.

Comment Re:Elements of a good teacher (Score 1) 272

I agree with you, but the part you need to expand on is number 3. What punishments should be used? Come up with a list. As a former teacher, I can assure you it is not easy. There are few things a teacher can do to actually punish students. Once they understand over.

Disclaimer: A good principal makes all the difference, but those are rare.......far more rare than a good teacher.

Comment Re:Teachers already have performance reviews (Score 1) 272

Not trying to be mean, but does this maybe imply that the teacher was not the problem (maybe not in your case, but other cases surely). Every teacher, even the best, have parents and students that they do not work well with. Reality. I agree, we need a review system for teachers.....just playing devils advocate here.

Comment Re:Teachers already have performance reviews (Score 1) 272

"There is no entity except the government that can force theistic education in all schools."

Sorry, but this has to be the most unreasonable line I have read on slashdot today. It was a good debate, but you just lost. Without the fed forcing schools to do their job, we would have a laughing stock of an education system. We already have entire states trying to add bible crap to the science classroom. With that said, we do need school and teacher accountability......but we need this to come from the fed. If the states do it, this country is screwed. Travel to some of these states and talk to the members of the school board about what they think their school should teach........then come back.

Comment Re:Come on, Jake, it's Wisconsin (Score 2) 566

Clearly, you have no idea what ObamaCare is, and what it was originally. The Left compromised a lot on that the point that the bill was a shadow of its former self. It was a victory for the right; it seemed more in line with what the right wanted than the left. Oh the irony that you posted this in a story about Wisconsin where the Right minority (according to the latest polls) have forced their plan on the people. It is fun watching the Right try to save face this week by acting like they actually care about helping the economy.

As an independent, I am seeing a pattern here on slashdot and everywhere. Those on the right don't seem to remember history very well, and seem to continually fail to argue their point. When they do use historical references and sources, they show a lack of understanding or a total denial of facts. Maybe this is due to religious foundations in blind faith, or due to being more comfortable simply denying things (like man-caused climate change).

Too many of those on the left ignore these inaccuracies, weaknesses, and mistakes, considering the person some sort of extreme person that can be ignored. The problem is, more people are buying into the extreme bunk and then are brainwashing others. The right needs a history lesson, and the left needs to toughen up. Stop worrying about hurting peoples feelings and start telling people when they are flat-out wrong.

As it stands however, I don't think the left has a chance. The majority of the media is currently controlled by the right, brainwashing the masses of American Idol watching zombees. Several hundred from the left were arrested this week in a protest.....didn't hardly make the media. If it were several hundred tea-party would be all we hear about.....24/7 coverage. The left needs to step up their game. Yeah, the crookedness of the right may have pushed me to the left...even though I still call myself independent.

Comment Re:FLAT TAX (Score 1) 278

I agree with most of your post, except that you say I am misleading. You quote the word "opportunity" and prefer the word "utilize". I used neither of those terms however. I simply said that the rich benefit more....which they indeed do from a financial perspective.

Otherwise, I agree with you mostly. Call it class warfare then, fine with me, it is justified. When the democratic process has failed because the wealthy control the is justified. I would go so far as to say criminal....but unfortunately the wealthy have had the power to change the laws to legalize their actions.

I would believe he has a degree in engineering. Most creative minds I know have such backgrounds. No surprise there...but he is going to have less and less customers as money continues to be concentrated at the top.

All I know is that I shouldn't be paying a lower tax rate on my capital gains than someone who actually moves heavy stuff. Isn't right. Slashdot has never been a good place to find people with any form of empathy however. Either way, your last statement is where I think most of us agree. No deductions. None. Done. Except maybe for stuff I buy.

Anyway, i found this interesting when doing some reading on the topic

Comment Re:FLAT TAX (Score 1) 278

"(Although, if you display this kind of communication skill on your CV and in interviews, no further explanation is necessary...)"
"what purpose do you have for knowing the precise reasons behind me not having any income?"

He enjoys beating down on the poor, that is clear from his stance and enjoys hearing of their misery. He also wants to justify to himself that it could not happen to him. Nothing he has said shows any insight or understanding; he instead feels better about himself and his failures by learning about others who he feels are doing worse. In a job interview, I would hire you, not him. That elitist attitude doesn't fly everywhere...I am not sure why it is accepted anywhere. With that attitude, I am sure he has friends lined up that would help him out :)

Your points on taxes were well written and common sense by any reasonable standards. Unfortunately there is a minority of ignorant and vocal people on the internet and media and politics making it seem like a reasonable argument exists in beating down the poor even more. This is going to end. The only defense they now have is to call it "class warfare" when indeed they are the ones waging war based upon class. The rich do have to pay more, as they are the ones benefiting most from the infrastructure and services this country provides. It is need to argue with those who cannot see it. Thank you for the comments.

Comment Re:Ah wonderful (Score 1) 330

That seems like an odd solution to some intersections this wouldn't even be possible. Even still, you mention an unlit stretch of road. Funny thing is, on my bike, my lighting is great for unlit stretches. The lights are visible for well over a mile. It is the brightly lit areas that are a problem....too many other lights competing for drivers attention. I much prefer biking at night on pitch black roads. I can hear the cars begin to slow down a quarter mile back.

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