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Comment Re:fundementally impossible (Score 0) 86

If the universe is isotropic, you don't have to check it all. A sufficiently large sample will show you all the universe has to hold.

There is also another saying.

"In the universe there can only be 0, 1, or an infinite number of something" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_one_infinity_rule)

Comment Re:Beh (Score 1) 86

>What does the format have anything to do with the content?

The part of not being able to view the content possibly?

>It's like saying "fuck classic movies because they're not 3D".

More like, shit I can't watch this because it's all on BetaMax.

Comment Re:Weird premise (Score 1) 281

>"well the hard drive is full so we have to buy a new computer because this one is slow

You should know that is actually possible, I am disappointed here.

On a spinning drive, once it gets close to full you start running out of contiguous space to write files, which of course means fragmentation occurs. Multiple seeks greatly increase filesystem latency. The end result of that latency is the system feeling slow.

Of course hard drives don't directly correlate to flash memory, but they have their own host of issues. Cells where out and write amplification occurs. Just read about how SSDs and flash slow down as they fill up.

Comment Re:The end of reading as culturally relevant... (Score 1) 192

> - it's that there's no means of discovering it without reading the hundreds of not-yet-ready-for-publication books that no-one wants to read without being paid for it.

That's strange, there's so many sites like metacritic, reddit, and even slashdot that allow people to rate the content they view/read. Too bad this can't be applied to books.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 753

NK can do that because they have no economy. You could try the same in the U.S. (which similar thing have been done with gold and silver) but it would be equivalent to committing electronic suicide to our economy. This is how you get your armed populace to rise up against you.

Comment Re:Snow Leopard (Score 1) 96

Windows Vista still receives security patches, which was released in 2007. Most computers of that age will install W7 fine, though you might want to bump the RAM if you want it to be enjoyable. XP was supported with patches for over a decade. Apple locks you into expensiev hardware and wants you to buy new every few years,

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