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Comment Re:Capitalist logic (Score 1) 389

If you go to McDonalds and buy a big mac, and go home to eat it, but aren't actually that hungry and decide to share it with a family member, McDonalds should be able to sue you for unauthorized distribution of their property.

But when you share your big mac, you lose the opportunity to enjoy the part you gave away. So this sharing is different from music sharing, it's more like cut and distribute.

Suppose you bought a big mac and your family has 5 members including you. You placed the big mac in a food cloning machine and it generated 4 more big macs for the remaining family members. As you'd expect, McDonalds is going to sue you for paying for 1 big mac while consuming 5 big macs.

This analogy above is similar to a music sharing you know about -- buying one copy of a song and sharing free clones with dozens of friends and strangers.

IOW, your analogy is flawed.

Comment Re:Capitalist logic (Score -1, Troll) 389

Each new meal requires new material,

Sure, but the menu price for the dish is 10 or 20 times the cost of these materials (negligible duplication cost) -- you're paying for the recipe, restaurant location and ambiance. The profit margin is not all that different from copyrighted music (i.e. you're not paying for the duplication cost, rather you are paying a price how much it benefits you).

Do you think only restaurants have a right to make a profit, not copyright holders?

Comment Re:It's time to regulate software (Score 1) 253

"Proof of correctness" of code is a bit of nonsense.

Really? Something that mathematically proves the code is correct is nonsense? I don't think so. It may be incredibly tough and difficult, incredibly expensive, but it's not nonsense. Expect the aviation software to be 10x-100x more expensive if proofs were used. With code reuse, (i.e. reusing code that has already been proved valid), the cost of "proof of correctness" code will decrease over long periods.

Practically it comes down to "rite the code in two languages and prove they're equivalent", which does nothing for bad design assumptions.

What if both implementations have the same buggy response to an input or what if both implementations have a hole and don't implement the feature (eg: both implementations don't check for data files before starting propellers)? You've reduced the bugs by multiple implementations, but not eliminated them.

Comment Re:x86 (Score 1) 108

It's probably down to the way opcodes exploit common functionality

Yes, but even ARM chips have an ADD instruction whose byte encodings differ from x86 and not licensed from Intel, obviously. We're not talking about copyrighting core functionality (integer addition), but rather all the little copyrighted details like assembly language syntax, byte encoding of the instructions, functional description of instruction. There must be dozens of ways to do integer addition, but AMD follows Intel's x86 way for compatibility and has to obtain a copyright license to do so, unlike Google and the Java standard library.

Comment Re:x86 (Score 1) 108

From the link:

3.4 Intel Copyright License to AMD. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation Section 5.2(e), Intel grants to AMD, for use in or with an AMD Licensed Product, licenses under Intel's copyrights in any Processor instruction mnemonic for an instruction developed by Intel, and the related opcodes, instruction operand mnemonics, byte format depictions and short form description (not to exceed 100 words) for those instructions, to copy, have copied, import, prepare derivative works of, perform, display and sell or otherwise distribute such mnemonics, opcodes and descriptions in user manuals and other technical documentation. No other copyright license to AMD is provided by this Agreement other than as set forth in this paragraph, either directly or by implication or estoppel.

If AMD has to obtain a copyright license to the x86 instruction set from Intel and instruction sets in the CPU world are similar to APIs in the programming language world, why shouldn't Google also be required to obtain a copyright license from Oracle for the Java Standard APIs?

Comment Re:Fuck you Mozilla (Score 1) 351

So how many of the people complaining about this actually pay Mozilla anything?

But why should the complainers pay anything? The open source deal implies, the developer gets paid little to nothing for his work and the users get free software. Isn't that why these products become popular in the first place ($0 price tag)? The developers can't pull a bait-and-switch afterwards saying they're tired of providing free software and want to add changes to the software that make them money but are harmful to the users.

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