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Comment Re:There have been worse outages (Score 1) 133

Or maybe this guy was going to die no matter what. This sort of thing happens. While our modern infrastructure is important and we should angst about major fuckups (especially if they involve TWC and friends), even the old unbreakable Bakelite phone / POTS system screwed up from time to time.

The other thing to realize about the current 911 system (at least in the US) is that it is a fairly robust, fairly smart system. In the 'old days' when we had to make sure that paths were clear of T. Rex and raptors, it was often hard to find an address because the caller didn't know where they were. "Rock lane! No Boulder Boulevard! No, Flintstone Freeway!" No we can just look at the map.

But stuff like this is going to fail, Murphy sees to that (genuflects). If somebody actually dies because of a 911 delay, their prognosis is pretty grim anyway.

Comment Re:Actually it PROHIBITS religious or political te (Score 1) 528

Not really. It is so poorly and broadly worded such that it could be interpreted in either way. According to the Ars article, the bill's author has been rather vague about how he interprets it. But if you have a legislature and judiciary that strongly favors, say, a creationism interpretation of reality, it can certainly be bent to considering 'the other guys' has having a particular bent.

It's bad legislation (nothing new here). Not necessarily benign. Yes, Hanlon's Razor suggests incompetence but I personally feel that Occam's Razor suggests malice.

Burma Shave

Comment Re:If you don't want science... (Score 1) 528

If you don't want science, then you shouldn't be allowed to benefit from anything created or influenced by it. Say goodbye to your phones, your computers... your massed produced clothes made by machines that use electricity, your fancy guns designed on a computer, your cars.. all of it. Go back to horses and shit soup over a fire while reading your bible and dying of the plague.

If you don't want God, you're gonna burn. Death to the Philistine!

Who wins in this game?

Comment Re:Beyond what humans can do (Score -1, Troll) 708

I am totally impressed. You nailed it. Thousands of researchers have simply missed the point with their modeling (which even included previous climate cycles). It's all 'natural' and therefore OK.

Before I subscribe to your newsletter, can you please tell me how we are going to deal with all of those people displaced by this natural phenomenon? And what might be the risks and benefits of trying to intervene in this cycle until we get the human population down to some more reasonable number?

Or are you just mad, bro?

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
