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Comment Re:Love the idea (Score 2) 163

I'm not quite sure, but adding an extra one to two thousand pounds of rotting packaging to your illicit product may impact your possible shipping channels.
Plus sawing through a neck instead of the much thinner horn would be a wee bit slower.

Comment Re:Love the idea (Score 4, Insightful) 163

They aren't introducing Diet Horn here, they're trying to poison the supply chain.

The poachers probably aren't big proponents of a verifiable, traceable supply chain. They don't laser etch a serial number in the things after a kill. So you insert these fake horns into the chain and you dis-incentivize the poaching by driving prices down. Plus you get the witchdoctors questioning whether their supplier is selling them real of fake horns, which can lead to trust breakdowns and stop some purchases.
And hey, the smarter witchdoctors know it's all bullshit they're giving a polish to. So they'll secretly purchase completely legal and probably much cheaper fakes straight from the source and keep giving their victims a show.

Comment Re:speaking as a backer... (Score 2) 72

Correction, they had the elastic from Bill Nye's loafers.
It's what gave them the knowledge to get his far. But then the Warehouse agents got a ping about an engineer being haunted by a disembodied voice saying his name with every step he took. Now the elastic sits on a shelf between Don Herbert's chemistry set and Jamie Hyneman's beret.

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